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Question What is Weber’s view of power?.

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Presentation on theme: "Question What is Weber’s view of power?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question What is Weber’s view of power?

2 Answer “the ability of an individual or group to achieve their own goals or aims when others are trying to prevent them from realising them”

3 Question What is Dahl’s concept of power?

4 Answer Dhal argued that concrete decisions must be examined to find out which groups achieve the outcomes they desire. Only then will power be realised.

5 Question How does Lukes view power?

6 Answer Lukes identifies three faces of power.
1st face – success in decision making 2nd face – managing the agenda 3rd face – manipulating the wishes of others

7 Question What do you understand by the term issue method?

8 Answer Where sociologists study specific issues to in order to see who actually gets their own way in the decision making process

9 Question What title does Lukes give to Dahl’s concept of power?

10 Answer 1st face of power

11 Question Why is Lukes’ critical of Dahl’s pluralist view of power?

12 Answer It ignores how some groups are more powerful than others and can manage the agenda therefore no decisions are ever made on a level playing field It also ignores how people’s wishes and desires are already manipulated prior to the extent they don’t even see the need to raise an issue in the first place

13 Question How are Bachrach and Baratz critical of Dahl?

14 Answers Classical pluralism assumes issues are debated on a level playing field. Therefore it ignores how some groups are able to manage the agenda on an issue being discussed

15 Question How is Lukes’ critical of Bachrach and Baratz?

16 Answer They ignore how the wishes and desires of individuals are groups can be manipulated by the powerful so individuals and groups act against their own interests.

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