Nucleosynthesis and the origin of the chemical elements

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2 Nucleosynthesis and the origin of the chemical elements
In the beginning…. The Big Bang “quark soup” nuclei of H and He (all in ~13.8 s) Today’s topic: Nucleosynthesis and the origin of the chemical elements

3 The origin of the chemical elements
Nucleosynthesis — The origin of the chemical elements Proton-proton chain or Hydrogen “burning” CNO cycle

4 Standard notation 4 He 2

5 Mass number 4 He Element symbol 2 Atomic number

6 He 4 2 Mass number (# of protons and neutrons) Atomic number

7 Atomic weight is the sum of the masses of all natural isotopes
of that element weighted based on their abundance The atomic weight you see on the periodic table

8 O 16 8 Mass number (# of protons and neutrons) The most common
isotope of oxygen is oxygen-16 16 8 Atomic number (# of protons)

9 O 18 8 Isotopes have a Mass number different number of
neutrons so their mass number will be different, but the atomic number of an element is always the same Mass number (# of protons and neutrons) 18 8 Atomic number (# of protons)


11 The origin of the chemical elements
Nucleosynthesis — The origin of the chemical elements Proton-proton chain or Hydrogen “burning” CNO cycle

12 The triple-alpha process
Helium burning — The triple-alpha process Key to synthesis of all elements beyond He Nuclei of higher atomic number than C are produced by fusing alpha particles (He) …but the heaviest atom produced this way is Nickel-56

13 Neutron capture This process is responsible for elements with
atomic number > 26 (Fe)

14 (electron) or (positron) b
_ + b (electron) or (positron) b S-process (Neutron-capture) Beta decay

15 Stars’ nuclear fires Diameter of the star expands while the
core contracts leading to “giant” stars

16 Blue giants Red giants Hydrogen burning White dwarfs Red dwarfs
Betelgeuse and Rigel Red giants The Sun in 5 Ga Hydrogen burning White dwarfs Red dwarfs most common

17 When a mid- to heavy-weight star dies, a supernova explosion ejects
Blue giants Betelgeuse and Rigel When a mid- to heavy-weight star dies, a supernova explosion ejects the outer layers of the star (and the elements therein) into the universe creating the raw material for planets Red giants The Sun in 5 Ga Hydrogen burning White dwarfs Planets form by gravitational collapse and/or accretion Red dwarfs most common

18 Abundances of elements
in the solar system • H and He most abundant (90-95% H, 5-10% He) • Abundances of first 50 elements decreases exponentially • Even atomic numbers are more abundant

19 Most abundant

20 The abundance of the elements is related to their nuclear properties
Mass number # protons # neutrons The most “even” isotopes are more abundant The abundance of the elements is related to their nuclear properties rather than their chemical properties…


22 Abundances of elements
in the solar system • Elements with Z ≥ 83 have no stable isotopes but occur naturally because they are daughters of long-lived radio-isotopes of U and Th

23 No stable isotopes

24 1s 2s, 2p 3s, 3p 4s, 3d, 4p 5s, 4d, 5p 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p etc…. Periods are numbered based on the first quantum number of the orbitals that are being filled with increasing atomic number

25 Electron clouds or orbitals


27 1s 2s, 2p 3s, 3p 4s, 3d, 4p 5s, 4d, 5p 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p


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