Logo of the participant’s company, institute or university

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1 Logo of the participant’s company, institute or university
Title of The Paper(Calibri Bold 75) One line space Surname of the first author, Name of the first author1; Surname of the second author, Name of the second author2; and the same for other authors(54 Calibri) 1Department or Division, University…, City (32 italic) 2Department or Division, university…, City (32 italic) Abstract (Maximum 500 words) Results and Discussions It is necessary that all participants prepare their poster according to this template in order to have unified presented posters in ICNN Please note that authors can choose the color, lay out, number of columns and design of poster. However, poster size is required to be 70 × 90 cm. In addition, they should use the design shown in this sample poster and keep logos on the top of it. They should add the logo of their company, institute or university on the top left side as shown. The name and surname of all authors must be written respectively as shown in this template. It is suggested that authors use more graphics for explanation instead of long wordy text. Please note that all authors should prepare and type their poster in English. The tables and figures must be all completely lucid , comprehensible and clear. Introduction Materials and Methods References Please Write the main references at the end of the paper. [1]1 F. Surname1, F. Surname2, Name of the Journal, 34 (2011) 7621. [2] F. Surname1, F. Surname2, “Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis and Application”, 2011, Sharif University Publication, 3rd Ed., , Tehran, Iran. [3] F. Surname1, F. Surname2, Proc. of the 3rd Congress on Nanostructures, Tehran, Iran, 2010,

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