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In biology: Hybrid (biology), the offspring resulting from cross-breeding of different plants or animals.

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1 In biology: Hybrid (biology), the offspring resulting from cross-breeding of different plants or animals.

2 Tigon: hybrid cross between a female lion and a male tiger
Liger: hybrid cross between a male lion () and a tigress

3 wholphins born from a mating of bottlenose dolphin (mother), and a false killer whale.

4 Beefalo are a fertile hybrid offspring of domestic cattle, Bos taurus, and the American Bison

5 Bambino Cat The Bambino Cat is a short legged hairless cat (in fact there is usually a very fine down). The breed was deliberately created by crossing the Sphynx cat and a Munchkin cat

6 Munchkin cat The munchkin is a relatively new breed created by a mutation that causes achondroplasia, or more probably hypochondroplasia as the skull size is unaffected, resulting in cats with abnormally short legs The breed originated in 1983 when Sandra Hochenedel found an extremely short-legged black cat living under a trailer in Louisiana. This cat, named Blackberry, was pregnant and half of her kittens were born short-legged. One of Blackberry's kittens, a tomcat named Toulouse, became the father of a breeding program that established the breed in North America

7 Munchkin cat

8 Key West

9 zebroids zorse is the result of crossbreeding a horse and a zebra.
zonkey is the result of crossbreeding a donkey with a zebra. Zony is the result of crossbreeding a pony to and a zebra. zonkey Zony

10 puggle A puggle is a dog hybrid, resulting from the mating of a beagle female with a pug male. Puggles are crossbreeds, not mixed-breeds.

11 Cama a hybrid between a camel and a llama.
They are born via artificial insemination due to the huge difference in sizes of the animals which disallow natural breeding

12 Leopon A Leopon is the result of breeding a male leopard and a female lion

13 Geep A sheep and a goat

14 Featherless Chickens A genetically engineered a chicken that has no feathers.

15 mule A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.

16 Animal deformities 2 bodied fish


18 'They both seem to control it:' Family finds snake with TWO HEADS - one on each end of its body rough earth snake: non poisonous found in South Carolina

19 Chimera Cat One organism but genetically is its own fraternal twin a single organism composed of genetically distinct cells. This can result in male and female organs, two blood types, or subtle variations in form. Animal chimeras are produced by the merger of multiple fertilized eggs.

20 White Gorilla

21 Piebald python Piebaldism is a genetic disorder that produces effects similar to albinism, or a lack of pigment in the skin or eyes.

22 Vitiligo Vitiligo occurs in both people and animals. It causes patches of skin to lose their pigment.

23 Brown Panda Why this particular colony of pandas is brown is not clear, but scientists think that their coloring could be due to a genetic mutation, plus their particular diet.

24 polar bears and grizzlies are interbreeding in the wild - and so are their offspring,. The offspring of a female polar-grizzly bear was discovered this month in Canada, proving that there are more of these hybrid animals in existence than the previously confirmed 17 located in zoos. Groler bear

25 More aggressive than the other 2 bears

26 White Lions Not truly albinos both parents carry the recessive trait for color inhibition

27 Squitten These cats resemble squirrels because they have short front paws, making them rely on their back legs for stability Depending on the severity of their radial hypoplasia they have to hop (similar to a kangaroo) or walk on their hind legs only

28 But How long Until, Mans sinful nature creates


30 Ilya ivanov was a Russian and Soviet biologist who specialized in the field of artificial insemination and the interspecific hybridization of animals. He was involved in controversial attempts to create a human-ape hybrid.

31 On February 28, 1927, Ivanov artificially inseminated two female chimpanzees with human sperm
On June 25, he injected a third chimpanzee with human sperm. All three attempts failed.

32 He then began an effort to organize hybridization experiments at Sukhumi using ape sperm and human females. He did this by attempting to inseminate females with ape sperm without their consent, under the pretext of a medical examination at a local hospital. In the end, the research failed and has not been attempted again, at least not publically.

33 Problem humans have 46 chromosomes and apes have 48 and thus the chromosomes will not pair up properly even if a zygote forms

34 “Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.” Dr. Ian Malcolm ( Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park 1993 ) “ the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into is nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” Genesis2:7

35 Only 500-600 tigers are in the wild
Sumatran tiger. The forest elephant, less than 500,000. The Amur leopards, less than 100 Rhinos: 2 species with less than 60 remaining

36 Polar Bears: less than 2500 in the wild
Monk seals are one of the rarest mammals in the world. There are three different subspecies: Mediterranean, Hawaiian and Caribbean. The Caribbean monk seal is extinct. Both Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals are endangered.. There are now less than 400, with their numbers continuing to decline as they are hunted and suffer from polluted waters. Eastern Gorilla Less than 5000 Left in the wild

37 Iberian lynx is the world's most endangered feline species
Less than 100 in the world The Hawksbill turtle population has declined more than 80 percent in the last 100 years. Atlantic cod populations have dropped 60% in the last 5 years Galapagos penguins are the only penguins found north of the equator Less than 2,000 remain

38 Blue Whale: less than 25000 in the wild
addax, or white antelope Less than 2000 live in zoos Almost extinct in the wild Vaquita is the world's most rare marine mammal. The dolphin-like creature is only found in the northern Gulf waters of California. There is believed to be only 30 vaquita left in the entire world.

39 Animals on the verge of extinction
“A Righteous man cares for the needs of his animals” Proverbs 12:10

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