SAR Training Workshop Phila Sibandze

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1 SAR Training Workshop Phila Sibandze
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites SAR Training Workshop Phila Sibandze South African National Space Agency WGCapD-5 Agenda Item 15 Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy Hampton, Virginia, USA March 29th – April 1st, 2016

2 Presentation Outline Workshop Venues Course content and outline
WGCapD-5 Hampton, Virginia, USA March 29th – April 1st, 2016 Presentation Outline Workshop Venues Course content and outline Potential Contributing members Funding Budget Workshop dates Image Source: Japan Space Systems

3 Workshop Venues Zambia: Gabon: Venue: National Remote Sensing Centre
POC: Lad Kazembe Date: To be discussed Gabon: Venue: To be discussed POC: Aboubakar Mambimba Ndjoungui Date: To be discussed

4 Course Content Period Module Half a day lecture
Introduction to SAR basics SAR sensors SAR processing basics Overview of SAR potential Case Studies 1 day Practical SAR acquisition planning SAR pre-processing Information extraction Forestry Disasters (Floods, oil spills, earthquakes) Mining Ship vessel detection

5 Number of Coordinators
Potential Contributing Members Organization Number of Coordinators ESA 2 DLR 1 CSIR Stellenbosch Univ. Others ?

6 Funding Sources: ESA Copernicus: €20 000 * € 10 000 for each workshop
UNOOSA: $ 5000 * Plane tickets SANSA: $ 2000 Total committed: $ Available to Zambia: $

7 Budget Item Description 10 Ppl-3 days 10 Ppl-5 days 20 Ppl-3 days
Travel R ,000.00 R ,000.00 Accommodation R ,000.00 R ,000.00 R ,000.00 S&T allowance R ,000.00 R ,000.00 R ,000.00 Shuttle R ,000.00 Catering R ,000.00 R ,000.00 Banner R ,000.00 Venue Total R ,000.00 R ,000.00 R ,000.00 Sponsors Amount ESA-Copernicus (€10 000) R ,000.00 SANSA R ,000.00 UNOOSA ($ 5 000) R ,000.00 Total R ,000.00

8 Workshop Dates Zambia: Proposing the month of July Gabon:
To be discussed

9 WGCapD-5 Hampton, Virginia, USA March 29th – April 1st, 2016 Thank you

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