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Foreign Affairs Watergate

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1 Foreign Affairs Watergate
The Nixon Presidency Foreign Affairs Watergate

2 What do you know about Nixon?

3 Election of 1968 Richard Nixon (Republican) wins

4 Nixon and Foreign Affairs
Realpolitik- foreign policy based on power of other nations, not ideals or morals Weak countries (Vietnam)? “Ignore” them Powerful countries (USSR & China)? Engage / deal with them Henry Kissinger- Nixon’s National Security Advisor and Eventual Secretary of State (hoodie and wall clock For sale

5 Detente Policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions
Nixon visits China ( ) February recognize for first time since 1949 Agree to expand diplomatic and economic relations

6 Détente… USSR May 1972- Nixon goes to Moscow- 1st president ever
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) SALT I Treaty: Limits number of ICBMs and submarine launched missiles

7 How can realpolitik and détente be seen as a departure from “containment” and/or brinksmanship?
*****How did Nixon’s successful policy of “détente” allow him to remove US troops from Vietnam “with honor”?

8 Watergate:
1972- break-in at Democratic Headquarters in Watergate Hotel Nixon involved in cover up- refuses to hand over tapes to investigators, claiming EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE SUPREME COURT orders them turned over August 5, tapes turned over HOUSE- votes to impeach him Before Senate can try him, Nixon RESIGNS

9 Checks and balances review
EXECUTIVE: What power does Nixon claim to have to not hand over tapes? JUDICIAL: Who forces him to hand over tapes? LEGISLATIVE: What power does the House use against him?

10 Nixon and Vietnam “Vietnamization”: Prepare South Vietnam to defend itself 1st? Secretly bombs “Ho Chi Minh Trail” in Cambodia Starts Civil War there

11 What is “impeachment”? Why did CRP burgle Watergate hotel?


13 …Nixon While bombing, brings troops home slowly
500,000 to 25,000 troops, Peace talks begin in Paris

14 End of war 1973- cease fire is arranged 1974- last troops leave

15 Aftermath US continues to aid S Vietnam w/ $$$$
April Vietnam reunited, communist Modern day celebration of “Reunification Day”

16 …Aftermath Cambodia goes Communist
Brutal reign of terror by (Pol Pot) Khmer Rouge

17 Aftermath… > 58,000 American dead > 1,000,000 Vietnamese

18 Backlash against Presidential Power
“Pentagon Papers” leaked in 1971 Proof the gov’t was planning on entering war even while LBJ was saying they wouldn’t “War Powers Act”- 1973 President MUST inform Congress within 48 hours if troops are mobilized Congress must approve or declare war within 90 days ***Limits the power of the president***


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