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The City of Prague II Prezentace Power Point ANGLICKÝ JAZYK – 2. stupeň Autor: Mgr.Marie Vlčková, Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň Projekt "EU peníze školám", registrační.

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Presentation on theme: "The City of Prague II Prezentace Power Point ANGLICKÝ JAZYK – 2. stupeň Autor: Mgr.Marie Vlčková, Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň Projekt "EU peníze školám", registrační."— Presentation transcript:

1 The City of Prague II Prezentace Power Point ANGLICKÝ JAZYK – 2. stupeň Autor: Mgr.Marie Vlčková, Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň Projekt "EU peníze školám", registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1740 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky



4 Old Town Square The Astronomical Clock dates back to the 1400s still working is found at the bottom of the Old Town Hall a magnet for people who wait for appearance of 12 apostolic statues every hour The large statue of Jan Hus the great religious reformer burnt in 1415 and an imposing St. Nicolas Church

5 The Powder Gate one of the symbols of Prague dating from 1475 used as a gunpowder storage by 17 th century ( its name) 65 m tall, the entrance to the medieval Royal Route leading through the Old Town over Charles Bridge up to Prague Castle an important architectoral building opened in 1912 Smetana Hall inside (concerts are held there) T he Municipal House

6 Wenceslas Square one of the main city squares 750 m long dominated by the Neoclassical National Museum and St. Wenceslas statue (on 28 th October 1918 proclaimed independance of Czechoslovakia) a traditional place for historical events, celebrations and demostrations (in 1989: the Velvet Revolution) and meeting people from all the world

7 Kinds of transport to get to Prague: Main Railway Station ( arrive by train) Main Bus Station (arrive by coach)

8 Václav Havel Airport Prague (formerly Ruzyně – opened in 1937, arrive by airplane) used for flights outside the Schengen area used for flights within the Schengen area

9 Prague Metro (Underground/ Subway) its 3 lines are about 60 km long opened in 1974 fast, clean, easy to use

10 Other places worth visiting in Prague: Nusels Bridge an important part of car transport in Prague Embassy of the USA Embassies develop relations increase trade and investment work on other matters in the EU and NATO

11 The Dancing Building Žižkov Television Tower offers a splendid view of Prague and its surroundings 216 m high completed in 1996 in a very non-traditional style its nickname: Fred and Ginger

12 Troja Castle built in Baroque style surrounded by a splendid terrace and gardens is found near the Prague Zoo art collections

13 Prague Zoo in Troja opened for public in 1931 breeds more than 4,000 animals and species from all around the world belongs to the best world´s zoos

14 Football ( soccer) stadiums in Prague Sparta Stadium Letna the most succesful club in the Czech Republic founded in 1893 Slavia Stadium Eden Founded in 1892 big rivalry between the 2 clubs

15 Použité obrázky: 24l6.311419.316773.1.319665. re&oq=old+town&gs_l=img.1.0.0l6j0i24l4.526695.533731.6.536662.,or.r_qf.&bvm =bv.47008514,d.bGE&fp=2f01be1e95a05e38&biw=1366&bih=675&facrc=_&imgrc=D4BnF5ZKIkndlM%3A%3BZJLRBTZi3WZfkM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%25 republic-prague%252F%3B800%3B600 24l6.311419.316773.1.319665. rague&oq=powder+gate&gs_l=img.1.1.0i19l2.180506.187515.8.191203.,or.r_ qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.bGE&fp=2f01be1e95a05e38&biw=1366&bih=675&facrc=_&imgrc=zlFZYi2fEwKorM%3A%3BdPDlTD9zXxrw1M%3Bhttp%253A% 24l6.311419.316773.1.319665. q=prague+zoo+&gs_l=img.12..0i19l2.14431.16154.14.18251.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47 008514,d.bGE&fp=2f01be1e95a05e38&biw=1366&bih=675&facrc=_&imgrc=fUyyY3M9UGjteM%3A%3BTH_axh3ylJce3M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn 24l6.311419.316773.1.319665. m+Letna+prague&oq=football+stadium+Letna+prague&gs_l=img.12...70364.77218.18.81079. av=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.bGE&fp=2f01be1e95a05e38&biw=1366&bih=675&facrc=_&imgrc=ieMKWrBcFwIl5M%3A%3BQg8Q1z2gBQJreM% arodni-fotbalovy-stadion-%252F%3B700%3B456 24l6.311419.316773.1.319665. rport+prague&oq=vaclav+havel+airport+prague&gs_l=img.12..0i19.99753.110720.20.113467. NmcLoKo&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.bGE&fp=2f01be1e95a05e38&biw=1366&bih=675&facrc=_&imgrc=HpKk7GSPR- 0

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