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CCSS meeting 2/1/2018.

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1 CCSS meeting 2/1/2018

2 Definitions Retention and graduation rates are based on the entering First Time in Any College (FTIAC) cohort The cohort is specific and clearly defined by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) It never changes Because student do not declare a major immediately – and change majors often - it is impossible to determine a traditional graduation rate by program

3 The institutional 6 year graduation rate is about 60% (2400/4000)
Suppose someone believes that students who participate in a third year experience graduate at a higher rate than others 1200 2800 1400 2600 2400 Graduate Within 6 Years 1000 3000 4000 New First Time # Retained # Left 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year In fact, they track the 250 students who participate and find that 212 of them graduate in 6 years (an 85% rate!) The institutional 6 year graduation rate is about 60% (2400/4000) About 60% (2400/4000) of students who start graduate in 6 years About 80% (2400/3000) of students who make it to the second year graduate in 6 years About 85% (2400/2800) of students who make it to the third year graduate in 6 years About 92% (2400/2600) of students who make it to the fourth year graduate in 6 years

4 Retention Rates and Graduation
Increasing retention is an early step in increasing graduation rates If 1st to 2nd year retention is 76% - the highest the graduation rate can be is 76% Of course lose more in 2nd and 3rd years

5 Graduation Rates The most recent four year graduation rate represents the 2013 entering class The current 2017 entering class 4 year graduation rate will be calculated in 2021 Next year’s class will provide the 4 year graduation rate that will be evaluated for the strategic plan

6 What Impacts Retention?
The vast majority of variance is accounted for by student characteristics Academic Ability Ability to Pay Personality Institution has little influence on these factors

7 What Impacts Retention?
Some factors can be influenced Teaching and learning support Debt counseling, education Academic integration Social integration etc.

8 How Has CMU impacted Retention Rates?
Academic Profile? Financial Aid? Other Programs?

9 Academic Profile



12 Graduation Rates What should our graduation rate be?
Higher Education Research Initiative (HERI) model CMU under performs expectation for 4 year rates but over performs on 6 year rate


14 Major Factors Affecting Graduation
Credits to graduation Average number of credits at graduation

15 Median = 130

16 Number of Credits at Degree – Most Recent Class
Average Credits Count CBA 135.1 462 CCFA 136.9 292 CEHS 162.3 322 CHP 131.7 300 CHSBS 136.6 406 CS&E 140.6 365 GC 130.9 22 UNIV 137.5 2


18 What Caused The Increase?
Remember, the most recent class 4 year graduation rate was the class that started in 2013 A program initiated in 2015 or later likely had little impact What changed with those students? Number of credits from high school % bringing credits





23 List of Some OIR Retention/Graduation Research
Overall Institutional Analyses Transfer Analysis Study abroad SAC/intramural Success coaches

24 Continued Academic Standing (Suspension, Probation, dismissal)
Risk Factors - HSGPA, ACT, ethnicity, first gen, pell Library Usage Impact of Number of Credits Attempted and Earned on Retention, GPA, and Progression Impact of HSGPA and ACT on graduation

25 Continued CMU IMPACT Assessment Service Ambassador Program
Analysis of Transfer Student Who Live in Dorms in Their First Year Vs. Those Who Do Not Lib 197 Assessment

26 Continued Analysis of Pathways Student
Performance of MAC Students Safari

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