January 2018 Hebrews 10:25 Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "January 2018 Hebrews 10:25 Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2018 Hebrews 10:25 Presentation
Seeker/Disciple Process A paradigm shift in High School Disciple Formation January 2018 Hebrews 10:25 Presentation

2 The Wyoming Prayer LORD, HELP ME TO DO YOUR WILL.

3 The Mission of St. Rose St. Mary’s Parishes is:
"We are an inviting faith-filled Catholic community made up of two unique parishes devoted to lifelong learning and discipleship through prayer, service and sharing."

4 Faith Formation Before Change
School Model Catechist: key focus - cover the textbook No concept of relationship building Little parent involvement There were 2 sessions for classes - early for primary and late for High School Catechists were frustrated and hard to find

5 Inspiration for the Change
Catechist turn over Battle with Confirmation youth and “requirements” School youth that were ready to do deeper in their faith and frustrated with High School faith formation program Faith Formation youth that were just doing time to get the sacraments

6 Paradigm Shift Change in parish leadership
Started with Catechists and Finance Council RCIA Youth Ministry background - model Focus of Interviews when hiring - Mission and new vision for High School Happens very gradual Balance head and heart

7 The Vision of Missionary Discipleship
Ongoing Takes as long (or short) as needed Takes Place in Deepening stages It is the Community that initiates

8 Ongoing The Spirit blows when it will, not just on an academic calendar. Everyone moves at his/her own pace. God treats us each as an individual and we each respond uniquely. Joe Jane Rufus Parish

9 Stages of Missionary Discipleship
Evangelization Pre-Evangelization Discipleship Apostleship (Missionary Discipleship)

10 Period of Pre-Evangelization
Name: Ongoing, beginner, children, new parishioners, etc… Aim: Awakening Faith Content: Relationship, Belonging, Inviting, Prayer, Witness of Life Time: Unlimited Rites: No specific rites

11 Period of Evangelization
Name: Seekers Aim: Conversion through: Proclamation, Encounter, Personal relationship with Jesus and Church Content: Time to deepen faith/conversion within the living community through: Catechesis Prayer and worship Introduction to the apostolic life (service, etc… )

12 Transition Rite: Ritual of Passage to Discipleship Moment(s) of Decision
Readiness is discerned within community Signs of readiness: Growing Prayer, Mass attendance, Desire to learn more about Jesus/Church, Desire to use gifts for community Occurs a few times a year (Oct./Nov., Jan.) Mentors are invited and begin involvement (move beyond family to broader community)

13 Period of Discipleship
Name: Disciples Aim: Maturing through Catechesis, Sacraments, Prayer, equipping, renewing Content: Regular daily prayer, Mass and Sacraments, Discipleship sessions, opportunities to serve

14 Transition Rite (for some): Confirmation
Only Disciples are confirmed -> moving them to missionary disciples Sent and empowered by the Holy Spirit Renewed weekly through the Sacraments Sometimes happens through “outpouring of Holy Spirit” or other ways known to God

15 Period of Apostleship (Missionary Disciples)
Name: Confirmandi or Missionary Disciples Aim: Serving through gifts Content: Deepening of sacramental life with emphasis on Evangelization, Communion, and Mission Time: Ongoing life in the church Rites: Sunday Eucharist with the assembly, Reconciliation, Other sacraments

16 The Primary Minister of Formation is: The Community
Everyone Prays for conversion (in and out of liturgy) Welcomes Evangelizes Witnesses to and with Invites to full participation Works for fulfillment of reign of God (Social Justice)

17 Family Fruits from Faith Formation
*EDGE and High School Make a Difference Day *Live Nativity *Living Stations *Households of Discipleship Nights *Adoration Nights Weekly Mass Prayer & Faith Life at Home Family Prayer Bag Family Faith Sharing Supplements Resources Bibles (one per family) Parish Library

18 Youth Fruits Catholic Heart Work Camp Steubenville Youth Conference
Youth Jam Grades 6 - 8 Green Bay High School Youth Conference (GBYC) WI Catholic Youth Rally Middle School Middle School and High School Work Camps: Love Begins Here B uilding L ives A round S ound T ruth High School Youth Group Totus Tuus Youth Fruits Catholic Heart Work Camp Steubenville Youth Conference Fuel for the Soul - Middle School Youth Group

Jesus I TRUST in You! Jesus I TRUST in You! Jesus I TRUST in You! OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP, PRAY FOR US! “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We may feel like Thomas who said to Jesus, (READ QUOTE) Jesus is the way, the Spirit will guide, The Father will love our best efforts.

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