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Presentation on theme: "SOIL - NOTES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Soil Formation Soil is a mixture of:
Weathered rock and mineral fragments. Decayed organic matter, HUMUS. Water and air spaces. Organic matter (dead plants & animals) decomposes and changes into HUMUS. Soil composition : how well a soil holds water, important for plant growth


4 Factors Affecting Soil Formation
CLIMATE: affects weathering. (Hot humid tropics vs. cold regions) SLOPE of the Land: gravity moves soil downhill soil is thinner at the top of hills, and thicker in low spots and valleys TYPES OF ROCK: minerals in the original rock weather differently PLANTS: hold soil and decay into HUMUS TIME: how long rock has been weathering

5 SOIL PROFILES SOILS have different characteristics.
Soil layers are called HORIZONS. Soil Horizons contain different mixtures of material.

6 Like a Drip Coffee-maker!
LEACHING How minerals (and chemicals) get carried by water from Horizon A down to Horizon B. Like a Drip Coffee-maker!

7 Most SOILS have 3 HORIZONS
(Some soils have HORIZON O - organic matter on the surface) Horizon A: topsoil more HUMUS, less rock particles, usually darker & more fertile Horizon B: subsoil less organic matter (HUMUS), more rock, minerals leached down from Horizon A Horizon C: substrate partly weathered rock, little humus (Horizon R: Solid ROCK not weathered)

8 Sciencesaurus Go to page 191.
Draw a picture of each layer on the front flap of your foldable. On the inside of the flap: Define each layer In Horizon A, define HUMUS as well. What is included in each layer. Answer the questions on the back.

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