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Plant Adaptions in Tropical Rainforests

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1 Plant Adaptions in Tropical Rainforests

2 Tall tree trunks Very tall trunks allow emergent trees to break through the canopy to reach sunlight.

3 Few branches Most trees only have leaves and branches at their crowns (tops). This is because leaves lower down would not receive sufficient light.

4 Hard wood Most trees are hardwoods. Their wood is good at resisting termites and other insects that try to decompose it.

5 Evergreen Many trees are evergreen. This means that grow all year round to make the most of the rain and sun.

6 Colourful flowers The canopy is full of colourful plants and flowers. These attract birds and other animals which distribute seeds to other parts of the forest.

7 Epiphytes These are plants that live on other plants and trees. They do not damage their host. Orchids grow in small hollows in branches where rainwater and plant matter collect.

8 Drip Tips Some plants have developed tips on their leaves. These help to drain rainwater away quickly, thus reducing damage to the leaves.

9 Large Leaves Plants in the shrub layer have large leaves to collect as much light as possible I the darker areas of the forest.

10 Buttress Roots Tall trees often develop buttress roots that help to support the tree as it grows up towards the canopy.

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