What can be learned from CAL’s latest research on the SIOP model?

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1 What can be learned from CAL’s latest research on the SIOP model?
SIOP UPDATE What can be learned from CAL’s latest research on the SIOP model? CAL – Center for Applied Linguistics

2 Project Goal To determine if the academic performance of middle and high school English language learners improve under the instruction of SIOP-trained teachers

3 Academic Literacy through Sheltered Instruction for Secondary English Language Learners
Project since 2004 Compared 60 educators trained in SIOP in Clifton NJ with 24 educators who were not SIOP-trained at a comparison site in NJ Collected data from students taught by SIOP-trained teachers in Clifton and a comparison group whose teachers were not SIOP-trained

4 Professional Development of Clifton Project
CAL staff worked with content and ESL teachers 7 days of training in Summer institute Follow-up workshops Substitutes for classes provided On-site coaches to support lesson planning and delivery Stipend for summer training and coverage issue during year Support from school & district administrators: building support makes all the difference in keeping teachers motivated Secure professional development days Support SIOP coaches (duty period was SIOP) Providing time for coaches most important piece

5 Do teachers reach high levels of implementation of the SIOP Model during a sustained professional development program after 1 year? SIOP-trained teachers increased their SIOP implementation level on average by 19% Per SIOP component, the range of the percentage growth gain was from 12% (Comprehensible Input) to 39% (lesson delivery) More than ½ needed one year of training before able to implement the SIOP model to a high degree. Saw a huge jump in implementation in year 2 Thus, School and administrators need a commitment to this model. Administration and cross-discipline commitment provide a consistent message Coaching beneficial. In this project coaching was collaborative, not evaluative. 7 days makes a difference, 2 days probably doesn’t! Created new platform of interchange between content and ESL teachers. Provided common language for both.

6 Does implementation of the SIOP Model in content classrooms result in increased student achievement after 1 year? Students who had SIOP-trained teachers had a significant percentage growth in their average IPT scores for oral, reading, and writing subtests. SIOP impacted quality of instruction. SIOP impacted across the board for all students.

7 The SIOP Model What it is: Language sensitive content class
Framework requiring extensive and sustained training, support, and coaching Class with structured task in all four language domains: L,S, R, W What it is not: A packaged program Quick and easy to implement Just good teaching

8 Resources http://njtesol-njbe.org/handouts/CAL.htm

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