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 starter activity Who is in the picture? Where is he?

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1  starter activity Who is in the picture? Where is he?

2 Why was Lenin’s return so significant and why was the summer of 1917 so crucial for the Bolsheviks?
Lesson outcomes: To identify Lenin’s ideas and key actions To determine why the return of Lenin was so significant To evaluate the impact of Lenin’s return on Russia overall Extra activity: Create an Acronym of Lenin’s April Thesis to help remember the key points see Murphy p61 mins

3 Find out why someone blew a hole in Lenin’s bottom in April 2009
Extension task Find out why someone blew a hole in Lenin’s bottom in April 2009

4  Hear Lenin speak Murphy p60 How accurate do you think this painting is of Lenin’s return to Petrograd in April 1917?

5 Lenin’s return, in April 1917, was to transform the political situation in Russia.
Without Lenin there would have been no October Revolution and no Communist Russia. ‘His impact not just on Russia but on world history in the 20th century is incalculable’ (Beryl Williams) Read Murphy p59 and identify obstacles Lenin faced which made it hard for a revolution along Marxist lines to succeed in Russia. What solution did he come up with? (p59-60) What other obstacles did Lenin face? (p60)

6 Problems facing Lenin Timing – according to Marx’s theories Russia needed to go through a socialist phase before pure communism was achieved Splits in the party – Social Democrats divided over methods; Bolsheviks & Mensheviks split Leadership – many leaders, including Lenin lived in exile Legitimacy – Bolsheviks were illegal in Russia Lack of preparation – Lenin surprised by fall of Tsar in Feb 1917

7  Your task Read Murphy, p.61. Write the heading ‘April Theses’ in your notes and record what Lenin said about the following: Marxist ideas on the February Revolution The War The Provisional Government Main messages (slogans) to the people of Russia

8 April Theses Marxist ideas on revolution – bourgeois revolution should immediately be followed by socialist one The War – immediate end The government of Russia – power to Soviets ( Bolsheviks had more power there) Slogans – ‘Bread, peace & land’; ‘All power to the Soviets’

9 Lenin’s return Other revolutionaries returned, e.g. Stalin
Lenin returned to stir up opposition to PG -“They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus into Russia” (Churchill) Increased support for Soviet – sole right to govern, ‘All Power to the Soviets’ Criticisms echoed popular concerns ‘Peace, Land & Bread’ Excellent orator – Finland Station Speech & April Theses, need for worldwide revolution

10  Homework Imagine you are a British reporter at Finland Station. Write an article about Lenin’s speech. Refer to the ideas put forward by Lenin, how his speech was received by different groups, the likely impact of the speech on the people of Russia and the provisional government, minimum ¾ side of A4

11 Homework - Pravda article
Using your newly acquired knowledge, create a Pravda article that details Lenin’s return and the key events of summer 1917 It must address the impact that Lenin will be having as well as the narrative of what happened Remember to deliberately make it subjective

12 3min overview of Summer 1917

13 What happened in the summer of 1917? (July Days & Kornilov affair)
Read through Chapter 10 (p60-62) & Chapter 11 (p63- 66) of Murphy and create a line graph of highs and lows for Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Make sure you explain what happened in each month specifically. Create notes on post its to add more detail. Use Lynch as well if you want more detail Things going great for Bolsheviks/ Lenin CHALLENGE – Can you draw links between any events? Can you pick out turning points for Lenin? Extension: Create a new graph on the highs and lows of the PG See file for paper copy of July – Oct timeline1917 – Put on to A3 Things going badly for Bolsheviks/ Lenin Put the dates along the bottom, starting April 3rd 1917

14  Your task Study the 2 events, the July Days & the Kornilov Revolt on p Note down the positive & negative effects of these events on the Bolshevik Party.  Who came out worse – the PG or the Bolsheviks? General Kornilov

15 July Days Military failures – failure of June Offensive, desertions, declining morale Political opposition – formation of Provisional Revolutionary Committee Demonstrations – outside Mariinksy Palace & Tauride Palace – 50,000 people Military support – several regiments joined protestors

16 Failure of the July Days
Arrests – 500 Bolsheviks arrested Lack of leadership – Lenin fled to Finland; humiliation – Lenin forced to disguise himself Opposition to Bolsheviks – failed uprising united PG & Soviets against Bolsheviks Acceptance of defeat – Lenin writes ‘The State & Revolution’ accepting difficulty of revolution in Russia

17 Kornilov Revolt Rearmament – Bolshevik leaders given guns to defend Petrograd Bolsheviks prisoners released Support for Bolsheviks increased – seen as defenders of Petrograd Support for PG decreased – seen as weak

18 How far was the Kornilov affair the main reason for the failure of the PG in 1917? Re-write the following paragraph adding specific additional details: General Kornilov’s coup weakened the Provisional Government to a large extent. His decision helped Lenin and the Bolsheviks. The Provisional Government’s Prime Minister did not make wise choices when he discovered that Kornilov was marching on Petrograd. Furthermore, the coup affected the popularity of the government and the Bolsheviks. In this way, Kornilov’s coup was an extremely important factor in explaining the failure of the Provisional Government because it both weakened the government and helped the opposition From my revision notes p37 Study history word document table available?

19  Homework Extension. Create a profile on Lenin (Use Culpin p84 - 85.
Include sections on the following: Family Background and Early life Life in exile 1895 – 1917 Beliefs Mistakes Lenin’s character Find a quote about him from a historian A quote from Lenin Culpin p84

20 Orlando Figes (above) thought the July Days was nothing more than a ‘mood’ and lacked leadership and direction. Imagine you are going to interview this historian, draw up a list of questions you would like to ask about his work on the July Days.

21 July Days Posters Complete the task – Murphy p66
Produce 2 propaganda posters, one in support of the July Days and the Bolsheviks, the other against the July Days. You might consider using some of these ideas: Support the new PG End the War Incompetence of the PG All power to the Soviets Lenin, a German spy Defend Mother Russia against enemies.

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