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ESB Networks Harmonisation Technical Design Options

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1 ESB Networks Harmonisation Technical Design Options

2 Background Retail Market Messages are currently processed through a combination of See Beyond 5.03 and a See Beyond e*Xchange Component on the MPCC hosted on each supplier’s site. Oracle (now owner of See Beyond) has indicated that Standard Support for See Beyond 5.03 expires on 31/12/2013. Also, See Beyond is not their strategic EAI toolset for the future. Assumptions for Harmonisation:- - A Harmonised Market means (1) Harmonised Market Messages operating in both NI and ROI jurisdictions and (2) a single MPCC (or EMMA as per NI) for each supplier operating in both markets. - NIE Enduring Solution will implement Harmonised Market Message Schema for Northern Ireland Retail Market in May 2012 - Minimise implementation impact for Suppliers

3 Technical Alignment Update
The TIBCO BC Client is capable of hosting multiple B2B protocols Currently NIE are proposing adopting AS2 protocol Currently ESB are using RosettaNet protocol 2 options exist for technical alignment, single box at supplier side: ESB adopt AS2 protocol – based on recipient TIBCO BC Client could be configured to route messages to appropriate gateway. All messages would be validated against the same schema rules and wrapped in same B2B protocol. RosettaNet protocol loaded onto TIBCO BC Client. All messages would be validated against the same schema rules but based on recipient would be wrapped in either AS2 or RosettaNet before sending to appropriate gateway. This option assumes that ESB are using standard RosettaNet

4 Harmonised Technical Design

5 Harmonisation Delivery Options - RoI
Preliminary Observations Implement Changes to Schema before NIE Enduring Solution go-live (May 2012) on See Beyond linked to current MPCC’s Additional Implementation Projects for Suppliers Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC before NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Challenging Timeframe for ESB N to implement an unfamiliar product. Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC at the same time as NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Additional Risk for NIE Enduring Solution Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC after NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Further Analysis on Tibco B2B Application Required. All Options Still under Consideration Initial conclusion - Harmonised schema unlikely to be delivered in RoI in 2011

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