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Chapter 3: Matter – Properties and Change

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3: Matter – Properties and Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3: Matter – Properties and Change

2 A. Properties of Matter Substance Examples:
– matter that has a uniform composition Examples: water table salt gold copper Things that are not substances: Salt Water Samples from different areas have different composition

3 A. Properties of Matter Cont.
Physical Property Can be observed or measured without changing the sample’s composition Density Color Taste Hardness Boiling Point

4 A. Properties of Matter Cont.
Chemical Property Ability of a substance to combine or change into another substance Does it burn in air? Does it react with water? Does it react with nothing?

5 B. States of Matter 4 states of matter Solid Liquid Gas Plasma

6 Compressibility: Can you compress it?
B. States of Matter Compressibility: Can you compress it? NO NO YES

7 Practice Physical or chemical property? Iron and oxygen forming rust
Iron is more dense than aluminum Magnesium burns brightly when ignited Hemoglobin binds with oxygen Mercury melts at -39oC

8 Practice Match the states of matter with the following descriptions:
(1) solid (2) liquid (3) gas A. takes the volume and shape of its container B. has a definite volume but an indefinite shape C. has a definite volume but an indefinite shape

9 C. Physical vs. Chemical Changes
Physical Change Does not change the substance Substance may seem different, but the way the atoms link up is the same Chemical Change A new substance forms Changes the way the molecules link up

10 It’s a physical change if…
D. Physical Changes It’s a physical change if… It changes shape or size It dissolves It changes phase Freezes, boils, evaporates, condenses

11 It’s a chemical change if…
E. Chemical Change It’s a chemical change if… A gas is produced (bubbles) A change in color A change in temperature A precipitate forms Light is produced New odor Explosion

12 Mixes vinegar and baking soda
Practice Physical or Chemical Change… Crumpling Paper Burning Paper Cutting wood Crushing a can Melting Ice Rusting Mixes salt and water Mixes vinegar and baking soda

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