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Events of the Haitian Revolution. How might these be similar to FR?

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Presentation on theme: "Events of the Haitian Revolution. How might these be similar to FR?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of Haitian Rev... How are they similar to the French Revolution?

2 Events of the Haitian Revolution. How might these be similar to FR?
1791: Revolutionary Assembly in Paris grants rights to free people of color. 1791: Action from below: 1791 slave revolt and mass insurrection. Revolts on plantations – destroyed sugar and coffee plantations. 1792: National Assembly grants full citizenship to free people of color including the right to vote for men. The assembly hopes the free people of color will help them defeat the slave rebellion. Toussaint starts to fight for independence from France, with the help of Spain and Britain. France abolishes slavery and grants Toussaint governance over the colony and in exchange he will help the French war effort. Napoleon comes to power and attempts to reinstate slavery in the colonies. The Haitian army fights Napoleon’s forces and successfully wins independence.

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