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Online attitude to litter and littering survey results

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1 Online attitude to litter and littering survey results
26/07/2016 Online attitude to litter and littering survey results Prepared for Tomlinscote School by ZILCH The national network of individuals in the UK working to eliminate littering Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

2 Which message might persuade
26/07/2016 Is the possibility of being caught an important part of the potential for being fined? What do you think it would take to make it socially unacceptable and morally repugnant to litter? How would you go about asking your favourite YouTuber to talk about why it’s not cool to litter? It’s a dirty little habit nobody likes to admit to or even talk about. What responsibility do you think fast-food and soft-drink vendors have in communicating the responsible disposal message? Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

3 Places where it is thought acceptable to leave rubbish
26/07/2016 Why should anyone ever expect somebody else to pick up their rubbish after them; only dogs are allowed to do that! The Japanese left the Olympic stadium and no rubbish was left behind. Why are they different? What are the implications for society if everyone thinks it’s OK to leave their rubbish for someone else to pick up? Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

4 Reasons not to pick up litter
26/07/2016 Are any of these a really good reason for not picking up a piece of litter that might otherwise lie where it is for weeks or months? How does peer pressure effect your behaviour and does litter suffer from the bystander syndrome – nobody wants to be the first or to be seen to pick up. What would our towns and countryside look like if everyone picked up just one piece of litter a day? Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

5 What do you think should be done to stop people from littering?
Free text analysis 26/07/2016 What do you think should be done to stop people from littering? Approach Key word/phrase Incidence Punitive fine, punish, detention, consequence 31% Facilitate more bin, easier 21% Incentivise reward, incentive, pay, award 4% Persuade persuade, motivate, signs, posters 6% Key word/phrase analysis of 244 responses to question – at least that percentage favoured that approach Talk about what the pupils see as the relative merits of each of the approaches and the practical difficulties of implementing each of them. Why do they think persuasion and incentives are so much more less effective than making it easier not to litter or punishing people for doing so. What are the implications of more bins and what happens if there isn’t a bin? No bin is no excuse and most people always have a bag or pockets. The national network of individuals in the UK working toK eliminate littering Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

6 Litter Patrol What do you think should be done to stop people from littering? - selection of verbatim responses 26/07/2016 I think that if it was in public and the council or police saw then they should get a fine because it is harming the environment and they aren't thinking of future generations. However, if it is in school and a teacher saw they should have to clear some of the litter in the school (litter picking). Make a litter chart, when someone puts the trash in the dustbin there form tutor will get a sticker on there chart and the person with the most stickers at the end of the year will get an award. I think to make people aware of this problem you need to show them how much litter they are throwing on the ground or have a sort of punishment if they drop litter purposely. Encourage them to put litter away by decorating the bins into colourful objects or animals. Also you could charge people for littering to stop them from littering. Nothing, people are still going to litter no matter what we do. If I see a bit of litter I pick it up but there are always going to be idiots in the world. I think there should be a job where people would stand in a certain place and if they see anyone littering then they would give them a fine. I think that people should think that they are helping the environment, and that by picking up litter they are doing something right. You need to teach the real facts the things that will effect us in the future the stuff that will hit people hard so they realise. I feel that putting more bins near places where there is major litter may be necessary to prevent people from being lazy. A viral video that appeals to multiple audiences to spread the message from popular people from a variety of genres Make the bins look cool with like basketball hops over them so you have to throw the litter in making it fun. Should we accept that there’s “nothing to be done” even if it may be difficult to persuade the hard-to-reach that littering is not what the majority of people do? What do you think a video aimed at changing individuals’ behaviour around litter and littering should contain? Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

7 49% said they never have and never will drop litter.
Free text analysis 26/07/2016 Behaviour change results – a comparison of attitudes and actions before and after completing the survey 49% said they never have and never will drop litter. Of those who have never previously asked others not to litter 51% said they either would ask more or would always ask. Of those who have never picked up litter 36% said they would in future. Of those who used to or still drop litter 50% said they would now never litter or do less littering . Only 5% said they would continue to drop litter. Nobody said they would do more dropping of litter. How did the survey make people think about litter and littering? Do the pupils think the changes in attitude will be long-lasting? Why do you think that tiny minority insist on continuing to litter? The national network of individuals in the UK working toK eliminate littering Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

8 Zero Instances of Litter Can Happen
26/07/2016 Thank you for taking part in our prize-awarding behaviour-changing attitudes to litter and littering online survey. Zero Instances of Litter Can Happen ZILCH The national network of individuals in the UK working to eliminate littering Concept and content copyright Zilch UK

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