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Why Water?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Water?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Water?

2 Extremophiles Live in harsh conditions we used to think could not possible support life:

3 Extremophiles – lining the rim of a pitch-black, deep sea volcanic vent

4 Extremophiles – can living in steaming hot springs

5 Extremophiles – or frozen in ice in an Antarctic lake.

6 Life can handle dark, hot, cold, and salty, but it absolutely must have…

7 Liquid Water… …Is essential to life

8 Kangaroo Rat vs. Salmon Have same % of water content in cells (50 – 65 %) Same % of salt in cells (about 1 % on average) 1/3 of salt in sea water (about 3.5 % on average)

9 Frost Line

10 Habitable Zone The region of the solar system where temperatures allow water to exist in its liquid state.

11 On Earth, water exists in three physical states:
Water Vapor (Gas) Solid Water (Ice) Liquid Water On Earth, water exists in three physical states:

12 Venus-(800oF) - Too Hot!

13 Mars (-67oF) - Too Cold Mars Water is frozen.
Ice caps even have dry ice (frozen CO2).

14 Earth - The “Blue” Planet - “Just Right”
Earth lies right in the middle of our solar system’s habitable zone.

15 Only Earth has liquid water. (and it covers ¾ of it surface!!)

16 Liquid Water… …Is essential to life

17 Possibilities for Space Colonies
Europa Moon of Jupiter Water is frozen into ice. May have a thick zone of liquid water below the ice

18 Possibilities for Space Colonies
Europa Moon of Jupiter Water is frozen into ice. May have a thick mantle zone of liquid water below the ice

19 Possibilities for Space Colonies
Titan Moon of Saturn Only moon with an atmosphere Surface water is frozen May have a thick mantle zone of liquid water and ammonia below the ice Possibilities for Space Colonies

20 Habitable Zone of Another Solar System
The region of a solar system where temperatures allow water to exist in its liquid state. a (Red Dwarf 0.3 M סּ)

21 Possibilities for Space Colonies

22 Ammonia – Another Polar Solvent
Ammonia (NH3) is a polar molecule just like water. Ammonia has just one lone pair of electrons. Water has much stronger H-bonds, so it is harder to vaporize and more likely to be a liquid at Earth temperatures (Oo C to 100o C) AMMONIA

23 Ammonia – Another Polar Solvent
H-bonds between ammonia molecules are much weaker than the H-bonds between water molecules. As a result, ammonia vaporizes to a gas much more easily. AMMONIA

24 Ammonia – Another Polar Solvent
For a planet to have ammonia- based life forms, the temperature would need to be down around o C to -78o C! Where does it get that cold? Maybe on Titan?? AMMONIA

25 Possibilities for Space Colonies
Titan May have a mixture of liquid water and ammonia in its mantle has surface pools of liquid hydrocarbons (ethane & methane)

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