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AOPA AUSTRIA Dr. Walter Ebm , MD, Cardiology President AOPA Austria

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Presentation on theme: "AOPA AUSTRIA Dr. Walter Ebm , MD, Cardiology President AOPA Austria"— Presentation transcript:

1 AOPA AUSTRIA Dr. Walter Ebm , MD, Cardiology President AOPA Austria
AME since 1988 Accountable manager Aeromedical Center Vienna Licenses: CPL IFR SPL Aircraft: Piper Cheyenne, C150 Aerobat, Stemme 10V

2 IAOPA RESOLUTION 28/3 The IAOPA Secretary General shall work with ICAO towards formal acceptance of medical requirements for private pilots, that are based on national or state medical standards that are currently used for drivers of motor vehicles.

3 EU Comission Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011 Part MED
Med.A.030 Medical certificates LAPL light aircraft pilot licence medical Issued by AeMC, AME or GMP (UK) Medical Class 2: PPL, SPL, BPL Issued by AeMC or AME Medical Class 1: CPL, MPL, ATPL Initial issue by AeMC , renewal by AME

4 But no limitations to altitude
Requirements for LAPL (also Sailplane, Balloon) To act as a PIC on single engine piston aeroplanes or TMG with a maximum take-off mass of 2000 kg and carrying a maximum of 3 passengers not more than 4 persons on board No IFR But no limitations to altitude

5 Bigger airplanes than 2000kg
Requirements for PPL To act without remuneration as PIC on aeroplanes or TMG in non comercial operations IFR is possible Bigger airplanes than 2000kg More than 3 passengers

6 MED.A.045 Validity and Revalidation
LAPL 60 month, 24 month after age 40 Medical Class 2 60 month, 24 month after age 40, 12 month after age 50

7 Medical requirements for LAPL
Routine Examination Blood pressure Urine test Vision Hearing ability At initial assessment, every 60 month and 24 month after age 50

8 Medical requirements for Class 2
Same as LAPL plus ECG : at age 40 and every 2 years after 50 Urinanalysis at every medical examination Routine Eye examination at every examination Hearing audiometry only with IFR every 5 years until 40, thereafter 2 years

9 Revalidation requirements ICAO
Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine Part1, Chapter2 60 month for PPL, GPL 12 month for CPL 12 month for ATPL and MCL

10 Revalidation compaired with driver license in Austria
LAPL Medical 2-PPL Bus and Truckdriver Cardriver Renewal (-50) 5y / (50+) 2 y (-40)5years/ (-50)2y/(51+)1y (-60)5y / (60+) 2y (0-99) / 0 Examiner AME authorised Examiner -GP

11 EASA – US 60 month 60 month 12 month 48 month 24month 6 month 24 month
Medical 1 ATPL,CPL Medical 2 PPL LAPL US-ATPL US-CPL US-PPL Basic Med under Age 40 60 month 60 month  12 month 48 month Age 40 older 24month  6 month 24 month under age 50 age 50 older  3 PAX 4400pound VFR 5 PAX 6000pound VFR + IFR Under 18000ft

12 LAPL - BasicMed 60 month 12 month 48 month 6 month 24 month 24 month
Medical 1 ATPL,CPL Medical 2 PPL LAPL US-ATPL US-CPL US-PPL Basic Med under Age 40 60 month 12 month 48 month Age 40 older 6 month 24 month under age 50 24 month age 50 older  3 PAX 4400pound VFR 5 PAX 6000pound VFR + IFR below 18000ft

13 EASA LAPL – BASIC MED AOPA AUSTRIA VFR No limit in altitiude
3 PAX 4400pound VFR No limit in altitiude 5 PAX 6000pound VFR + IFR below 18000ft

14 What is coming up? Psychology What should we discuss? IFR for LAPL
AOPA AUSTRIA What is coming up? Psychology What should we discuss? IFR for LAPL

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