SDMX Global Conference 2017

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Presentation on theme: "SDMX Global Conference 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDMX Global Conference 2017
2017 SDMX Survey Results SDMX Global Conference 2017

2 Presentation contents
The Survey Breakdown by type of organisation & who are the data exchange partners Usefulness perceptions of SDMX SDMX Implementations: planned and actual Demand for Global DSDs Conclusions SDMX Global Conference 2017

3 SDMX Global Conference 2017
The Survey Purpose: to measure acceptance level, challenges and implementation plans of SDMX in official statistics. Also to capture some needs and priorities of the official statistics community Population: National Statistics Agencies, Central Banks, International Organisations, Government Agencies Taken during September 2017 – Many replies in short time frame! 2017: 175 Respondents 2009: 113 2011: 124 2013: 110 2015: 160 SDMX Global Conference 2017

4 Breakdown by type of organisation
SDMX Global Conference 2017

5 Closest Relationships in Data Exchange (with SDMX Sponsor organisations)
Count of Survey participants Stress this is the sponsor organisations Highlights the wide footprint of SDDS+ European orgs have a smaller constituency (though well advanced in SDMX) Most “Other” responses were Afdb SDMX Global Conference 2017

6 Usefulness perceptions of SDMX
“Not useful” is only one organization in 2017 SDMX Global Conference 2017

7 Does your organization use SDMX now, or plan to in the next 12 months?
Plans to use SDMX Does your organization use SDMX now, or plan to in the next 12 months? *** Redo axis as count, change year order *** Main reasons “not to use in next 12 months”: Plan to start using it after then Not enough motivation to do so in next 12 months, but could change if they are motivated by their exchange partners SDMX Global Conference 2017

8 Implementation Domains and SDMX Variants
Status of domain implementation SDMX Variant/Format(s) Planned Pilot Production SDMX-EDI SDMX-JSON SDMX-ML 1.0 SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 VTL National Accounts 21 6 64 13 1 8 42 29 Balance of Payments 15 54 18 2 7 31 22 Foreign Direct Investment 14 3 38 12 5 16 Government Finance Statistics 33 25 IMTS (UNSD) Census (Eurostat) 34 20 SDDS+ (IMF) 23 30 STES (OECD) 9 Development Indicators (UNSD) Other 11 27 4 Adoption of 2.1 is slowly catching up on 2.0. EDI is still quite popular for the Global DSDs. National Accounts most popular Global DSD implementation, Census and SDDS+ most popular shared DSD VTL small takeup due to the required SDMX implementation, tools SDMX Global Conference 2015

9 Implementation Purposes
Count of Survey participants *** Redo axis as count *** Dissemination and reporting are chief purposes SDMX Global Conference 2017

10 Benefits to implementation
In 2015 highest ranking was Enhancing data dissemination, Easing reporting burden, Improving metadata management Could show an increase in that SDMX is seen as a good model for building systems, not only for exchange The smaller the number the more benefits perceived Average rank SDMX Global Conference 2017

11 Challenges to implementation
The higher the number the more challenging Same 3 most significant as in 2015 Waiting for a broader user community to be established climbed 6 places. This could point to need for much better communication and outreach. Average rank SDMX Global Conference 2017

12 Use of SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines (COG)
Same 3 as in 2015 Least challenging was getting top management buy-in in 2015 No obvious benefits drop means that SDMX business case is understood better SDMX Global Conference 2017

13 Demand for Global DSDs by domain
Domain/Reporting framework Count Prices Statistics 94 Labour 87 Business statistics 80 Population, housing and migration 77 Income and consumption 74 Sectoral statistics (Agriculture, Construction, Tourism, etc.) 70 Education Statistics 62 Health 52 Environment Statistics 51 Regional statistics 48 Social protection 40 Science, Innovation, Technology 39 R&D Statistics 37 System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) 36 Justice and crime Culture 30 Time use 29 Political and other community activities 23 Other 17 Highlighted those underway in red Obviously Business statistics, Population…, Income and Consumption should be considered soon. SDMX Global Conference 2017

14 Conclusions of the 2017 SDMX Survey
The number of organisations using SDMX has risen significantly More organisations perceive the usefulness of SDMX Dissemination and reporting continue to be chief use cases Internal data management is now perceived as an important benefit Challenges to implementation are still mainly due to lack of resources Human skills are the biggest challenge followed by budget and training Need to provide impetus to a broader SDMX user community Lack of subject matter support and DSD/MSD harmonisation are also important challenges High awareness and plans to use the Content-Oriented Guidelines Great demand for more Global DSDs Most popular Prices and Labour are underway Next most popular domains will be considered as part of the action plan SDMX Global Conference 2017

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