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Unit 6 Vocab DUE WEDNESDAY APRIL 26th/Unit 7A Vocab DUE FRIDAY APRIL 28th EXTRA CREDIT: American Century VIDEO (1946-1952): The Best Years – for NEXT MARKING.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Vocab DUE WEDNESDAY APRIL 26th/Unit 7A Vocab DUE FRIDAY APRIL 28th EXTRA CREDIT: American Century VIDEO (1946-1952): The Best Years – for NEXT MARKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Vocab DUE WEDNESDAY APRIL 26th/Unit 7A Vocab DUE FRIDAY APRIL 28th
EXTRA CREDIT: American Century VIDEO ( ): The Best Years – for NEXT MARKING PERIOD – DUE MONDAY 4/24 (posted on my website with questions) KEEP STUDYING! APUSH EXAM is FRIDAY MAY 5th! (11 more school days!) DO NOW: Take out your UNIT 5 VOCAB to be checked, grab a Truman & Eisenhower outline from my desk, then answer the following questions in your notebook based on yesterday’s lesson… How did American society in the Affluent 1950s compare to American society in the Roaring 1920s after WWI? How were the 1950’s a time of FEAR as well?

2 American Fear of Communism
Communism opposed many American values and ideals Capitalism Private ownership of land and business Individual rights are limited under communism Leads to a SECOND RED SCARE… Fear and hysteria over communism that swept the country in the 1940s and 1950s Many individuals feared the US government was infiltrated by communists Reasons for the 2nd Red Scare: USSR actions after WWII in Eastern Europe “Fall of China” in 1949 Soviet development of nuclear weapons

3 1940’s RED SCARE HUAC (created in 1945) Truman’s Loyalty Program:
House Committee on Un-American Activities Prominent member was Richard Nixon – NOT JOSEPH McCarthy! Alger Hiss: One-time aide to FDR Accused of sharing 65 classified documents Indicted and sentenced to 5 years in jail for perjury “Hollywood Ten” 10 screenwriters that refused to testify before HUAC; sentenced to jail Truman’s Loyalty Program: Truman issued an executive order (9835) for federal employees to take a loyalty oath

4 McCarthyism in the 1950’s Senator Joseph McCarthy (R), Wisconsin
Claimed there were over 200 communists in the State Department Held trials in 1954 of politicians and famous actors claiming they were communists and/or spies Time period is often compared to a “Witch Hunt” where there is little or no evidence to prove the charges – violating constitutional rights

5 McCarthyism in the 1950’s The Rosenberg Trial
A working class Jewish couple (Julius and Ethel) from New York City were convicted of conspiracy to pass secrets pertaining to the atomic bomb to Soviet agents during World War II The evidence was classified government documents and chief accuser was Ethel Rosenberg's brother They were executed despite murky evidence against them both Reinforced the belief that Soviet spies were lurking in the U.S.

6 Focus Questions while you watch the video…
1. How did John F. Kennedy attempt to inspire Americans to improve the country and the world? 2. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis put the world on the brink of nuclear war? As you watch, complete the reading guide questions on the worksheet given to you… The Century: America's Time : Poisoned Dreams

7 Focus Questions 1. How did John F. Kennedy attempt to inspire Americans to improve the country and the world? 2. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis put the world on the brink of nuclear war? Was he a good president for the USA? Why or why not?

8 The Election of 1960 Nixon (Republican) v. Kennedy (Democrat)
First election in history that televised debates nationally Two interpretations: Those who watched TV felt Kennedy “won” the debate Nixon looked pale, uncomfortable, and sweaty Those who listened on the radio felt Nixon “won” The “New Frontier” Acceptance speech at Democratic convention Called for individuals to achieve their greatness Focused science, space, eliminating prejudice, etc.

9 JFK’s “New Frontier” Space Race – promises to go to the moon (fulfilled 1969) Explore “uncharted areas of science and space” Creates the Peace Corps Alliance for Progress – aid to Latin America Minimum wage $1.25/hour Attempts civil rights reform and aiding the “Other America” – but mostly fails (again, Congress and his assassination)

10 JFK and Civil Rights For most of JFK’s first two years, he did little with Civil Rights Key Civil Rights milestones under his presidency: Freedom Riders James Meredith “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” March on Washington June, 1963: JFK used Alabama national guard to enroll two black students at the University of Alabama Proposed Civil Rights Bill: JFK was assassinated prior to its passage Civil Rights Bill of 1964

11 JFK and Civil Rights For most of JFK’s first two years, he did little with Civil Rights Key Civil Rights milestones under his presidency: Freedom Riders James Meredith “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” March on Washington June, 1963: JFK used Alabama national guard to enroll two black students at the University of Alabama Proposed Civil Rights Bill: JFK was assassinated prior to its passage Civil Rights Bill of 1964

12 JFK and Cuba Inaugural address: our world is in “its hour of maximum danger” Crisis in Cuba Revolution to overthrow Fulgencio Batista (a dictator) 1959 – Fidel Castro takes over 1960 begins implementing communism US cuts military aid to Batista’s regime because of the brutality against the Cuban people. Some US buisinessmen and mafia support Castro and the revolutionaries with financial aid and arms.

13 JFK and The Cold War “Flexible Response” Space Race: Berlin Wall:
JFK criticized “missile gap” between US and USSR under Eisenhower Developed a plan to find new ways of combating the Cold War Space Race: April 12, 1961 (Henry Clay’s 184th birthday!), Yuri Gagarin (USSR) became first man in space May 25, 1961: Kennedy pushed for a man on the moon by the end of the decade Berlin Wall: Between 1949 and 1961, over 2.5 million East Germans fled Soviet-controlled East Germany through West Berlin August 13, 1961, Soviets began construction of the Berlin Wall Bay of Pigs: US trained Cuban exiles in a hope to overthrow Castro Colossal failure Cuban Missile Crisis August, 1962, the US Soviet discovers weapons in Cuba Closest two sides ever came to war

14 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
USSR puts nuclear missiles in Cuba America’s response? Quarantine = Naval blockade USSR’s response? Turn around! Fidel Castro & Nikita Khrushchev = BFF’s 

15 13 Most Dangerous Days…

16 What is the main idea of the cartoon?

17 What is the main idea of the cartoon?

18 What is the main idea of the cartoon?

19 Other Notable Info Peace Corps: Alliance for Progress:
Created in 1961 Young Americans that would serve 24 months over seas Doctors, teachers, etc. Focused on social and economic development Hoped to improve countries and resist communism Alliance for Progress: $ billions were pledged to improve the economy in Latin America Warren Commission: Chief Justice Earl Warren Investigated the JFK assassination Stated that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone

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