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MUN tips and motions for new delegates

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1 MUN tips and motions for new delegates
CHIMUN 2017 MUN tips and motions for new delegates

2 Introdution to MUN Watch “Introduction to Model United Nations (MUN)” on You Tube

3 Motions that are essential
Point of Personal Privilege: This refers to the delegates’ wellbeing and comfort in the committee room. It may be called out for some of the following reasons: the room is too hot or cold,the delegate cannot hear the speaker. This point may disrupt a speaker only when due to audibility.

4 Point of Info (to speaker)
Point of Information (to the speaker): This is simply a question that is asked to the speaker concerning the content of a speech or other issues relevant to debate. The point must be phrased as a question and the delegate asking must remain standing whilst the question is answered, out of respect for the speaker. This point must not be abused by delegates wishing to make a speech.

5 Point of Info (to chair)
Point of Information (to the Chair): This is a question addressed to the Chair, pertaining to anything other than the rules of procedure. So it may be about lunch break, or asking the Chair to clarify a decision that was made.

6 Point of order To correct the speaker on what may seem as “false information” or a “fake website”. Or to correct a delegate on an incorrect statement.

7 Point of Parliamentary
Point of parliamentary procedure: To correct the chair or verify a decision the chair has made. All will be accepted and welcomed with grace and dignity by the chairs.

8 Parliamentary Inquiry
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry This is similar to a point of order, but is a question about the rules of procedure and does not pertain to decision made by the Chair.

9 Tips Gentlemen: Always have your blazer on when speaking.
Address delegates appropriately during debate. Be polite to each other but still convey your points. Do not use personal pronouns i.e. I, she, him, you. Use “The delegate of __” or “Canada believes” Remember the UN has unlimited funds. Note the characteristics and powers that the room has.

10 Notices 5 unfriendly amendments will result in tabling of the resolution. Resolutions should have minimal clauses of 7. Once one clause is scapped through an amendment, the resolution will be tabled.

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