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THE GOAT HAS LEFT THE HOUSE. Bucket List Bucket list of all your old hurts, wounds, sins, regrets, shame, embarrassments, and condemnations.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GOAT HAS LEFT THE HOUSE. Bucket List Bucket list of all your old hurts, wounds, sins, regrets, shame, embarrassments, and condemnations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bucket List Bucket list of all your old hurts, wounds, sins, regrets, shame, embarrassments, and condemnations

3 Old and New Testament Old Testament has the answer, fulfilled in New Testament, fulfilled in New Testament fulfilled in Jesus, fulfilled in us.

4 YOM KIPPUR NOT ALLOWED TO CARRY THE WEIGHT OF YOUR BUCKET LIST FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR! God set aside one day a year, called the holiest day of the year. Also called the Day of Atonement Cast lots for 2 goats. 1 for God in the temple, 1 to be called a scapegoat SCAPEGOAT=HEBREW= TAKE HIM AWAY comes from root Hebrew = WEAPON IN THE HAND OF THE ENEMY From Israels New Year to YOM KIPPUR = 10 days

5 SIN IN ISRAELI CULTURE HAS 3 LEVELS TO IT 1. INIQUITY = The initial starting point to sin HEBREW = WHATEVER YOUR EYE HOOKS ONTO MULTIPLES 2. SIN = Look, Lust, Decide I want it, Go after it, Do it, Now sinning 3. TRANSGRESSION = Breaking Transgressing the Law ISAIAH 53:6 The Lord has laid on Him ( Jesus) the INIQUITY of us all

6 YOM KIPPUR has 3 elements to it TEMPLE PRIEST GOAT 1 Goat for God sacrifice it inside the temple 2 nd Goat called The Scapegoat outside the temple

7 First Goat Lay hands on it = Hebrew + MARLAR = To impart REVELATION 13:8 The Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world

8 IT IS FINISHED 9 th hour priest would pull goats head back and say It is finished JOHN 19:30 Jesus said it is finished

9 2 nd Goat Appoint a man to take it into the wilderness with all the bucket list imparted onto it and release it never to return. Wrap a RED cord around the goats head, cut part of the cord off and hang it on the temple door, cry out as he marched through the crowd, Behold Israel your sin is being removed as far as the East is from the West. PSALM 113:12 As far as the East is from the West so far has He removed our sins East and West never meet, North and South do.

10 RED CORD The red cord hanging on the temple door would supernaturally turn WHITE ISAIAH 1:18 Come let us reason together through your sins be as scarlet they will be as white as snow.

11 The Priest Priest would then sit down on a special seat on the stage, indication to the people all the work has been done JESUS IS OUR SCAPEGOAT HEBREWS 10:11-12 Jesus sat down on the right hand of God, we are seated there with Him far above principalities and powers.

12 YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN AND WASHED AWAY 1 JOHN 1:7 Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins In the Greek, in the present continuous tense cleansed and keep on cleansing


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