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All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!

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Presentation on theme: "All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!"— Presentation transcript:

1 All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!
Poetry Tone vocab All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!

2 Apprehensive Worried that something negative will happen

3 Nostalgic A mixed feeling of happiness/sadness/longing when remembering a person, place, or event from the past,

4 Reticent Unwilling to communicate very much, talk freely or reveal all the details about something

5 Disdainful Extreme disgust for something or somebody

6 Trenchant Direct and deliberately hurtful

7 Eulogistic Full of praise for somebody or something

8 Cavalier Showing an arrogant disregard or lack of respect for somebody or something

9 Condescending Behaving toward other people in a way that implies you are better than them

10 Flippant Showing a lack of seriousness that is thought of as inappropriate

11 Acquiescent A tone of agreement or compliance in a passive, quiet way

12 Reproachful Expressing disapproval or blame

13 Candid Honest or direct in a way that people find refreshing

14 Poignant Causing a sharp sense of sadness, pity, or regret

15 Entrancing Holding one’s attention and producing a sense of wonder in that person

16 Whimsical Imaginative and spur of the moment

17 Aghast Overcome with shock and distress

18 Facetious Inappropriate or insulting but hidden under a humorous tone

19 Naïve Having/showing a very simple and trusting view of human nature, often seen as the result of youth or being childlike

20 Smug Conceited and Self-satisfied

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