Do Now What rights have women won during the last 50 years? The last 100 years? How has the status of women changed? For what rights are women still fighting?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What rights have women won during the last 50 years? The last 100 years? How has the status of women changed? For what rights are women still fighting?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What rights have women won during the last 50 years? The last 100 years? How has the status of women changed? For what rights are women still fighting?

2 A Dolls House Henrik Ibsen

3 Born in Norway in 1828 His father was a successful merchant, but he ended up in bankruptcy, and the family had to move to a cramped apartment. Ibsen left home at 15, escaping an alcoholic father and a cold, pious mother. Many of his plays feature a defeated father and lost mother. Fathered an illegitimate child (whom he never met), and Ibsen became a medical student at the University of Oslo. Many of his dramas depict doctors as heroes.

4 Henrik Ibsen Some of his early plays were brief successes, but most were considered melodramatic and flopped terribly. He later became an alcoholic. His life took a turn for the better when he married in 1858 and had a son. In 1868, Ibsen moved to Germany. During his time there, he saw his social drama The Pillars of Society first performed in Munich. The play helped launch his career and was soon followed up by one of his most famous works, A Doll's House.

5 Henrik Ibsen In 1891, Ibsen returned to Norway after 27 years away from his homeland. He sank into a depression for years and died in 1906. Received a state funeral from the Norwegian government

6 Henrik Ibsen Ibsen was known for: Being the father of modern theater. Removing sentiment and intrigue. Slow action with an emphasis instead on exploration of the characters psychological and moral development. Elaborately realistic sets depicting upper middle class interiors.

7 Henrik Ibsen Ibsen's works have held up over the years because he tapped into universal themes and explored the human condition in a way unlike any of those before him. Author James Joyce once wrote that Ibsen "has provoked more discussion and criticism [than] that of any other living man." To this day, his plays continue to challenge his audiences. Henrik Ibsen. 2012. 29 Oct 2012, 11:00

8 A Dolls House Ibsens best known play – 1879 Follows the story of Nora Helmer Husband is Torvald Helmer, a smug bank manager who treats her patronizingly Nora has been keeping a secret from her husband. When Torvald was ill and Noras father lay dying, she forged a financial paper to save her husbands life.

9 Themes The deception of appearances Sacrifices of women in marriage The obligation of parents to be moral, upstanding citizens

10 Classwork Complete classwork worksheet.

11 Homework Read Act 1 of A Dolls House and answer the corresponding questions.

12 Do Now Why do people marry? Can a loveless marriage ever work? What would be your criteria for a healthy marriage? Once married, what should a persons commitment be to his or her family?

13 Act 1 What atmosphere does the opening scene of the play create? Did the first act raise any questions in your mind? Is there anything you would like to ask Nora? For what does Helmer criticize Nora? Do you think it bothers her? What does the nature of their relationship seem to be?

14 Act 1 What do you learn about Krogstads past? How are Krogstad and Nora linked? Do you have sympathy for one more than the other? Do you think Nora is a good mother? Does Helmer think so? Why does he assume Krogstad is a bad parent? What are your impressions of Dr. Rank? Why do you think he visits everyday?

15 Act 1 Does Nora believe Helmers idea that juvenile delinquency is generally traceable to mothers? Do you?

16 Classwork Complete classwork worksheet.

17 Homework Read Act 2 of A Dolls House and answer the corresponding questions.

18 Do Now How do people figure out who they are and who they want to be? How would you describe your ideal self? What stands in the way of your goals? When do you feel trapped, helpless, or bored?

19 Act 2 Why does Helmer have it in for Krogstad? What does this show you about the kind of person Helmer is? What doesnt Dr. Rank want Helmer visiting him during his decline? What is the nature and purpose of the visiting card code that Dr. Rank has devised? Do you think he is prohibiting Nora from visiting him during his decline?

20 Act 2 What favor do you think Nora is about to ask Dr. Rank? Why doesnt she finish asking? What are Noras feelings for Dr. Rank? Do you think she had led him on? Was she aware of how he felt? Do you think Helmer is aware of how Dr. Rank feels about Nora? Why do you think Nora tells Mrs. Linde to promise that if something happens to Nora, no one else is to take the blame? Who is she protecting?

21 Classwork Complete classwork worksheet.

22 Homework Read Act 3 of A Dolls House and answer the corresponding questions.

23 Do Now When do you find yourself trying to control other people? When have others tried to control you? How much do you control your own life?

24 Act 3 Why did Mrs. Linde end her relationship with Krogstad years before? Do you think it is realistic that they patch things up so quickly? Would things have been different if she had had no family? Do you think it is realistic that a woman in love would put her family before her heart? Do you agree with Mrs. Linde that Nora and Helmer should be honest with each other? Is there ever a time for a husband and wife to keep secrets from each other? Should Nora be surprised by Helmers reaction to the letter from Krogstad? Why does he decide to forgive her? Why doesnt Nora accept his apology? Should she? How does Nora tell off Helmer? Do you think she has thought of saying all these things before? Do you find the switch in her attitude believable? Is it credible that she would leave?

25 Classwork Complete classwork worksheet.

26 Homework Bring three questions for tomorrows quiz review.

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