Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP

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1 Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP
Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Mr. zboril | Milford PEP

2 Chapter 18 Irregular and Compound Verbs
Salvē Discipulī! Quid es? This Photo by Unknown Author is licnsed under CC BY-SA

3 The English language is full of irregular verbs – verbs that do not follow the normal pattern for principal parts. An example: to love (he) loves loved [has] loved to be (he) is was [have] been to go (he) goes went [has] gone Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

4 Irregular Verbs eō, īre, iī/īvī, itum to go
SINGULAR Person PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE 1st eō I go ībam I was going ībō I will go 2nd īs you go ībās you were going ībis you will go 3rd it he goes ībat he was going ībit he will go PLURAL īmus we go ībamus I was going ībimus we will go ītis you all go ībātis you all were going ībitis you all will go eunt they go ībant they were going ībunt they will go Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

5 Irregular Verbs ferō, ferre, tulī, latum to bring, carry
SINGULAR Person PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE 1st ferō I bring ferēbam I was bringing feram I will bring 2nd fers you bring ferēbam you were “ “ ferēs you will bring 3rd fert she brings ferēbat she was “ “ feret she will bring PLURAL ferīmus we bring ferēbāmus we were bringing ferēmus we will bring fertis you bring ferēbātis you were “ “ ferētis you will bring ferunt they bring ferēbānt they were “ “ ferent they will bring Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

6 Irregular Verbs – Perfect Tense
Person Singular Plural 1st Person -imus 2nd Person -istī -istis 3rd Person -it -ērunt Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation We form the perfect tense of all irregular verbs using the same formula we learned previously. Find the stem of the Third Principal Part and add the special set of perfect tense endings. 3rd Principal Part – ī = perfect stem ferō, ferre, tulī, latum : to bring, carry tul- eō, īre, iī, itum : to go i-

7 Irregular Verbs – All tenses
Person English Phrase Latin Carolina they will bring Celebus you were bringing Ethanius we went Antonius they go Landonus they carried Quinque he brings ferent ferēbas iimus Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation eunt tulērunt fert

8 Irregular Verbs – Perfect Tense
Person Latin Perfect Tense Carolina facimus (we make) Celebus prōceditis (y’all proceed) Ethanius capit (he seizes) Antonius sumus (we are) Landonus mittunt (they send) Quinque necant (they kill) fēcimus prōcēssistis cēpit Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation fuimus mīsērunt necāvērunt

9 Chapter 18 – Compound Verbs
Latin forms compound verbs by adding prepositions as prefixes to verbs. English often uses the same prepositions to form its own compound verbs. ex (out of) + it (he goes) = exit (he goes out) Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Latin English trānsīmus prōvidēbō trānstulit īnferēbant reddō prōferent we go across I will see before he carried across they were carrying in I give back they will bring before

10 Irregular Verbs possum, posse, potuī to be able, can
SINGULAR Person PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE 1st possum I am able poteram I was able poterō I will be able 2nd potes you are able poterās you were able poteris you will be able 3rd potest she can poterat she was able poterit she will be able PLURAL possumus we are able poterāmus we were able poterimus we will be able potestis you all can poterātis you all were able poteritis you will be able possunt they can poterant they were able poterunt she will be able Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

11 Chapter 18 – Compound Verbs
Person English Phrase Latin Carolina you all eat Celebus they make Ethanius I begin Antonius we catch sight of Landonus you receive Quinque they capture Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation

12 Chapter 18 Irregular and Compound Verbs
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