FRQs and MCT on Thurs., Sept. 13th and Fri., Sept, 14th

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1 FRQs and MCT on Thurs., Sept. 13th and Fri., Sept, 14th
AP ECONOMICS: September 6 Warm-up: Draw four D graphs: (1) income goes up—impact on D for prime beef; (2) income goes up—impact on D for spam; (3) P of computers goes down; impact on D for wireless printers; and (4) P of Gatorade goes down; impact on D for Powerade --finish Worksheet 5.4 (HO from last class) Learning Target: In order to understand how a free market economy works, I will learn the principles of supply. I will know I have it when, on a supply graph, I can: (1) differentiate between a change in quantity supplied vs. a change in supply; and (2) accurately shift supply curves given various supply curve shift scenarios. See new packet for following items (HO) --Worksheet 6.3; Supply notes: the S schedule; the S curve; movements along the S curve; shifts of the S curve --begin working on Worksheet 6.4 (HO) Assignment --review GC videos on topics you feel least comfortable with so far FRQs and MCT on Thurs., Sept. 13th and Fri., Sept, 14th

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