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Macbeth Act 5 scene Date:

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1 Macbeth Act 5 scene 3 - 5 Date:
Objectives Takes notes on the scene to settle down (1 slide) Read Act 5 scene 3, take a note. Read Act 5 scene 4, take a note. Read Act 5 scene 5, take a note. Complete exercises. Warm-up – write the answer at the top of a page Can regret be healthy and used for a positive purpose? Is there a danger in not feeling regret about anything?

2 Act 5 scene 3 - Note Macbeth’s mistake in this scene is his misplaced confidence. He dismisses the truth of armies approaching because he thinks he knows better. He has faith in dark forces and the witches prophesies. Take out Macbeth – Act 5 Scene 3, take a look ahead before we start reading.

3 Macbeth, Servant, Seyton, Doctor.
Reading Read Act 5 scene 3 Macbeth, Servant, Seyton, Doctor.

4 Act 5 scene 4 - Note Malcolm’s military genius is shown in this scene. By cutting down the trees and using them to cover his units, he conceals the size of his forces. Malcolm acts in sharp contrast to Macbeth, who is not thinking ahead. Back to Macbeth – Act 5 Scene 4, take a look ahead before we start reading.


6 Act 5 scene 5 - Note Macbeth is very philosophical, cold and sad here. His response to his wife’s suicide is that she would have died eventually anyway. He then compares himself to a ghost that made it’s own fate. "Life's but a walking shadow […] a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury,“ Back to Macbeth – Act 5 Scene 4, take a look ahead before we start reading.

7 Reading Read Act 5 scene 4 Then worksheets

8 Cooldown I think, I know, I wonder.

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