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Primary Executive Headteacher (PEH) provision

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Executive Headteacher (PEH) provision"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Executive Headteacher (PEH) provision
Introductory web conference Welcome Insert : Tutor Names and Contact Details An executive agency of the Department for Education

2 Web conference outline
• Introductions Aims and objectives of the programme • Programme model • Overview of the residential training events • Optional accreditation • Online leadership diagnostic • Preparation for Residential 1 • Questions and points of clarification • Close

3 Aims The aims of the PEH programme are to:
• explore the emergence of models of primary executive headship in differing contexts and the potential benefits for the school system • deepen your understanding of the distinctive nature of the role of the executive head • further develop the attributes and skills for successfully leading more than one school

4 Aims of the web conference
The aims of the introductory web conference are to: • develop your working knowledge of the structure and expectations of the programme • ensure you can gain the maximum benefit from Residential 1 by completing your preparatory work • provide you with a clear understanding of the online leadership diagnostic and how to prepare your raters • opportunity to ask questions and clarify any issues

5 5

6 Diagnostic raters • 3 direct reports: these might be people in school(s) who report to you eg deputy head, vice principal or members of your senior leadership team etc • 3 peers: these might be other headteachers/executive heads or lead professionals • 3 others: might be governors or other school stakeholders who know you well enough to complete the diagnostic

7 Preparation for Residential 1
Identify your raters, complete your diagnostic survey and print the feedback report to bring to Residential 1 Read as a minimum; Executive Heads Summary Report, National College, 2010, and The growth of academy chains: Implications for leaders and leadership, full report and executive summary, Robert Hill et al/NC, March 2012 Draw a picture and detail the leadership structure of your federation/school partnership/informal network, considering lines of responsibility, accountability and decision making Read the case study of the executive head in preparation for day 1 Think about your role, consider a current challenge in cross-school collaboration and complete handout 1 available on the online community Reflect on pre-reading material(s) and capture your thinking an handout 6 available on the online community.

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