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Presentation on theme: "Bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bones

2 Can you believe we have 206 bones?
~ Skull and upper jaw 21 bones ~ 3 tiny bones in each ear ~ Lower jaw (mandible) ~ Front neck bone (hyoid) ~ Backbone or spine (26 separate bones or vertebrae) ~ Ribs (12 pairs - same number for men and women) ~ Breastbone ~ Each upper limb has 32 bones: 2 in shoulder, 3 in arm, 8 in wrist, 19 in hand and fingers. ~ Each lower limb has 31 bones: 1 in hip (one side of pelvis), 4 in leg, 7 in ankle, 19 in foot and toes

3 Function: 1. Support 2. Protection 3. Movement 4. Storage of minerals 5. Production of blood cells

4 Axial skeleton - skull, vertebral column & rib cage.
1. Protect vital organs 2. Holds body upright & allows bending & twisting 3. Production of blood cells

5 Appendicular skeleton - arm & leg bones, pelvis & shoulder areas.
1. Movement 2. Production of blood cells 3. Storage of minerals

6 Parts: A. Periosteum - living membrane covering bone
B. Spongy bone - tissue with many spaces, located at end of long bones & in middle of flat bones. C. Compact bone - very dense, located in shafts of long bones D. Marrow - soft tissue that fills some space in bone periosteum 1. Red - produces RBC 2. Yellow - mostly fat cells

7 Parts, cont. E. Haversian Canals - spaces through which nerves & blood vessels pass F. Osteoblasts - make new bone cells

8 Joints - a place where bones meet
A. Classifications 1. Immovable 2. Slightly moveable

9 3. Freely moveable a. ball-and-socket D. hinge

10 joints, cont... E. pivot C. gliding

11 joints, cont... F. saddle

12 Cartilage 1. Some always present 2. Ossification - replacement of
cartilage with bone 3. Bursae - fluid-filled sacs that lubricate some freely moveable joints cartilage

13 Tendons - attatch muscle to bone
Ligaments - attach bone to bone

14 Do you see the difference?

15 Types of Bones A. Long - have a tubular shaft & articular surface at
each end. B. Short, or Irregular - are variable in size & shape, and are generally compact in nature. C. Flat - are thin and have broad surfaces.

16 Diseases & Disorders Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, causing pain in the body's joints. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, occurs when a joint wears out.

17 Osteoporosis is a disease resulting in the loss of bone tissue
Scoliosis is a side-to-side curve of the spine.

18 Fractures Leukemia affects the production of red blood cells.

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