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Ending the War.

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1 Ending the War

2 Review of what has happened
Hitler failed in the Battle of Britain and turned his attention to the Soviet Union America attacked by Japanese at Pearl Harbor America has already been discussing war strategy with Britain’s leader Winston Churchill (Atlantic Charter) America dedicates its effort to helping the Soviets and Britain with Hitler then would focus on Japan.

3 Breaking down the actual war
Two theaters of war: European and Pacific European theater divided into three fronts: Western Eastern African/Mediterranean There were several battles that were turning points in the war, we will only touch on a few.

4 Progression of the War Hitler went East to take the Soviet Union
America joins the Allies and comes through North Africa to get into Europe from the South. The Allies then would take Western Europe by crossing the English Channel and getting a foot hold in France. Then hopefully, the two front war would crush Hitler with America and Britain coming from West and the Soviets coming from the East causing Hitler to split his forces.

5 War on two fronts

6 European Theater; Eastern Front
Battle of Stalingrad- Turning Point Hitler attempted to charge into the Soviet Union and was doing so until he stalled at Stalingrad. The Soviets were surrounded by the Nazi army in the city of Stalingrad. Nazi Plan: Surround city and starve Soviets out. Result: Winter came and the Nazi’s were not prepared for the frigid Russian winter. Soviets were able to push the Nazi’s back but lost 1.2 million people in Stalingrad alone. That is more than all American losses in the war.

7 Battle of Stalingrad

8 European Theater; Western Front
D-Day invasion: Gen. Eisenhower plan to invade the beaches of Northern France to gain another foothold in Europe. Result: Allies take the beaches but major losses Battle of the Bulge: Surprise counter-attack by Germans as last ditch effort to push back the Allies. Result: German failure and retreat.

9 D-Day and Battle of Bulge
Battle of the Bulge

10 Allied Offensive

11 German Surrender Soviets moved into Germany and surrounded Berlin.
To avoid the disgrace of surrender, Hitler killed himself. Blaming the Jews for the beginning of the war and his generals for Germany’s defeat. A week later, Gen. Eisenhower accepted the German unconditional surrender.

12 Moving to the Pacific Front
Battle of Midway: American surprise attack on Japanese. Result: American victory. Destruction of a large chuck of Japanese naval fleet. Battle of Iwo Jima: America needed a base to launch bombers to mainland Japan. Result: American victory. Battle of Okinawa: Japan’s final defensive outpost before mainland Japan. American victory with massive losses and worried Americans about a mainland invasion.

13 Pacific Theater

14 Back in America Roosevelt and war team are planning a secret project code named: The Manhattan Project This was the research and creation of the first Atomic Bomb. Roosevelt was very frail and ill. He died April 12, 1945 and Harry Truman took over. Roosevelt died leaving the Allies with the goal to achieve his four freedoms for the entire world.

15 Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms
Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Freedom from want Freedom from fear Roosevelt believed the entire world should have these four freedoms assured to them. Became part of the corner stones for the United Nations.

16 Truman’s dilemma Truman knew nothing of this Manhattan Project.
He was now tasked with the decision of whether or not to use such a weapon and revolutionize warfare forever. He believe the fate of the war and the American people were at stake.

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