Pesticide use in Potato

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1 Pesticide use in Potato
Dr. S.K. Dutta & Dr. Badal Bhattacharyya Department of Entomology Assam Agricultural University,Jorhat-13

2 Potato tuber moth Spray quinalphos 2 ml/litre to manage foliar damage caused by the larvae of the pest. Walls of godown should be sprayed with 0.1% malathion 50 EC (2ml/litre in 500 litre of water) at an interval of three months. Treat potato tubers kept for seed purpose with malathion 5% 1.25g/kg to prevent tuber moth incidence during storage. Treated potatoes should not be used for consumption.

3 Cut worm Spraying of potato foliage, ridges and collar region during evening hours with chlorpyriphos 20 EC 2 ml/litre. Spray chlorpyriphos20 EC @ 1ml/litre on 4th day after transplanting of potato seedlings raised from TPS (True Potato Seeds) to protect the seedlings from cut worms.

4 Aphid Apply carbofuran 25-30kg/ha or phorate kg/ ha nearer to the base of the seedlings when soil is moist. Spray imidacloprid 0.5 ml/litre or thiamethoxam 25 WG @ g/litre of water. Spraying should be given only when cupping and curling of the leaves on the top 1/3rd portion of the plant and aphids all over the plant are seen.

5 Whitefly Spray methyl demeton 1ml/litre in in 500 litre of water/ha in the early stage. Spray quinalphos 25 3ml/litre in 600 litre of water, phosalone 35 3ml/litre in 800 litre of water in the early and mid stages of the crop. The use of synthetic pyrethroids to control whitefly should be discouraged.

6 Leaf Hopper Spray oxydemeton methyl 25EC (750ml) or dimethoate 30EC (625ml) or acetamiprid 20SP (50 g) in 250 litre of water. Incorporate carbofuran 30-35kg/ha or phorate kg/ha nearer to the base of the seedlings when soil is moist. Spray imidacloprid 200SL (0.5 ml/litre) or thiomethoxam 25WG (1-1.5 g/litre) in case of severe infestation.

7 Wireworms Mite Epilachna beetle:
Spray dicofol ml/ litre or phosalone 35 EC 2 ml / litre or wettable sulphur 50 6 gm / lit of water. Epilachna beetle: Apply malathion ml/ litre or 0.5ml/ litre of water. Wireworms Apply soil insecticides like mocap kg/ha or nemathroin 30 kg/ha against wireworms Treatment of seed tubers with imidacloprid 200 3ml/kg of seed can also reduce wire worm infestation.

Two Strategies GRUB MANAGEMENT ADULT MANAGEMENT Source: AINP on White grubs, Department of Entomology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

9 Spraying of host trees to kill adult scarab beetle
Fig. Spraying of host trees to kill scarab beetles Source: AINP on White grubs, Department of Entomology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13 Spraying of host trees by using monocrotophos ml/litre of water or quinalphos 25 2 ml/litre of water within 3 days of first pre-monsoon rain with the object to kill the beetles before they lay eggs in the soil

10 Fig. Seed treatment of potato
White grub Fig. Seed treatment of potato Source: AINP on White grubs, Department of Entomology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13 Seed tuber treatment with chlorpyriphos 20EC or quinalphos ml/kg of seed or imidacloprid 200 3ml/kg of seed to control the grubs

11 Fig. Furrow application of insecticides against white grubs
Furrow application of chlorpyriphos 20EC or quinalphos litre/ha or imidacloprid ml/ha to control the grubs Fig. Furrow application of insecticides against white grubs Source: AINP on White grubs, Department of Entomology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

12 Mole Cricket Soil application of phorate kg/ha at the time of planting Chlorpyriphos 2.5 litre/ha in 800 litres of water (3ml/litre) or imidacloprid 224 ml/ha in 400 litre of water (0.5ml/litre) as post sown soil application Red ant Spraying of infested potato fields with chlorpyriphos ml/litre of water to perfectly wet the soil First spraying should be given soon after noticing the pest incidence and the 2nd spraying should be given after days, if the pest persists.

13 List of banned pesticides in India
Double click on the video to visualize Video : Courtesy; Ms. Deepa Bhattacharyya, Director, Documentary on Organic Farming , RKD Film Production, Guwahati, Assam

14 Tips for Safe Handling of Pesticides
Minimize use of pesticides Understand the dangers of pesticides Avoid direct contact with pesticides Spray crop with full protection Store pesticides in lock and key condition Source:

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