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Sports branches.

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1 Sports branches

2 We can divide them according to:
SEASON → SUMMER/WINTER PLACE → INDOOR/OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT → e.g. ball games, goal games, racket games

3 Track and field athletics
Gymnastics Games Water sports Sports on ice Ski sports Cycling sports Combat sports/Martial Arts Equestrian Outdoor sports Combined sports Technical sports

4 A C B D E F G H shot put long jump discus throw javelin throw
high jump pole vault G H relay hurdles

5 A B D C E still rings uneven bars pommel horse floor exercise
balance beam

6 Athletes – train speed, endurance and skillfullness Gymnasts - train agility and grace

7 wrestling

8 skeleton luge bobsleigh

9 rowing sculling

10 Sportsmen Sport equipment Playing area

11 Sportsman player, canoeist/kayaker skier driver/motorcyclist skater
weightlifter runner/jogger boxer jockey

12 Playing areas rink track and field arena court pitch football field
gym course field/arena ponds, lakes, rivers racetrack hills, slope playground track, circuit

13 Sport equipment paddle racket barbell padded gear ball club helmet
hard ball, bat padded leather gloves mallet, pony vehicle, car, motorcycle club ski, ski poles, boots net running shoes puck stick race horse basket pair of skates

14 REVISION Questions: What is SPORT MANAGEMENT about?
What does the work of a sport manager include? What do people need to perform a sport? Why do people do sports? Name 5 positive and 5 negative sides of sports. What should a good sportsman be like? (5 qualities) What is the difference between individual and team sport? How do passive sportsmen enjoy sports? How can we divide active sport? Explain the types.

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