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Absolute Rulers.

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Presentation on theme: "Absolute Rulers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolute Rulers

2 France

3 Henry IV Was a Huguenot- French Protestant Converted to Catholicism
Issued the Edict of Nantes- Grant Religious Toleration to Huguenots

4 Henry IV was killed by an assassin

5 The assassin… François Ravaillac
On May 27 he was taken to the Place de Grève and there was tortured before being dispatched by being pulled apart by four horses. Alistair Horne describes his torture: "Before being drawn and quartered he was scalded with burning sulfur, molten lead and boiling oil and resin, his flesh then being torn by pincers.” His parents were forced into exile and the rest of his family was ordered to never use the name Ravaillac.

6 Louis XIII Inherited the throne at 9 Given Cardinal Richelieu

7 Cardinal Richelieu- Appointed as the chief minister for Louis XIII because Louis was too young He tried to secure the power away from the nobles to the hands of the monarchy.

8 Louis XIV Inherited the throne at 5 Given Cardinal Mazarin

9 Louis XIV

10 Louis XIV— At 23 years old, Louis takes over for himself in 1661





15 Louis used the “Sun” to symbolize his reign

16 The Palace of Versailles







23 Louis XIV’s Army: Strongest in Europe

24 Balance of Power The distribution of economic and military power which keeps one nation from dominating

25 Louis XIV’s outrageous spending left France broke!

26 Louis XIV Revoked the Edict of Nantes- Huguenots fled France, causing a disruption to the French economy Some Huguenots were persecuted

27 France Henry IV 1589 to 1610 He was a Huguenot but later changed his religion to Catholicism “Paris is well worth a Mass” Issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598 which granted religious protection to Huguenots. Was killed by an assassin in 1610 Louis XIII (became king at age 9) 1610 to 1643 His Chief Minister: Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIV 1643 to 1715 Chief Minister: Cardinal Mazarin His Palace: Versailles His Symbol: Sun His Army: The Strongest in Europe His reign lasted: 72 years Balance of Power: the distribution of economic and military power which keeps one nation from dominating He left France broke He Revoked the Edict of Nantes- Huguenots fled causing a disruption to the French economy

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