EU Netcode Emergency & Restoration

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1 EU Netcode Emergency & Restoration
Arbeitsstand EU Netcode Emergency & Restoration Users group 25/04/2018

2 General overview EU NC Emergency & Restoration
General Provisions Subject matter and scope, Definitions, Regulatory aspects and approval, Recovery of costs, Consultation and coordination, Confidentiality obligations, Agreement with TSOs not bound by this Network Code 2. System Defence Plan Design, implementation & activation of the System Defence Plan System protection schemes System defence plan procedures 3. Restoration Plan Design, implementation & activation of the Restoration Plan Re-energisation procedure & strategy Resynchronization procedure and strategy Frequency management procedure 4. Market interactions Procedure, rules and conditions for suspension and restoration of market activities Communication procedure Settlement principles 5. Information exchange and communication, tools and facilities Information exchange and communication Tools and facilities 6. Compliance and review Compliance testing of TSO, DSO and SGU capabilities Compliance testing of system defense plan & restoration plan 7. Implementation - Monitoring & stakeholder involvement 8. Final Provisions - Amendments & entry into force Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art NC Emergency and Restoration

3 Deliverables: Elia shall submit to the NRA/other for approval by 18.12.18
T&C to act as defense service providers if on a contractual basis;  T&C to act as restoration service providers if on a contractual basis; List of SGUs … and the list of the measures to be implemented by these SGUs, identified for defense and restoration plans.   List of high priority SGUs or the principles applied to define those and the T&C for disconnecting and re- energizing the high priority grid users, unless defined by the national legislation of Member States. The rules for suspension and restoration of market activities; specific rules for imbalance settlement and settlement of balancing energy in case of suspension of market activities By : the test plan in accordance with Article 43(2). Public consultation on proposal referred to points (a), (b), (e), (f) and (g) NRA/Other NRA/Other NRA/Other NRA NRA NRA/Other Elia shall notify the NRA the system defense plan and the restoration plan. NC Emergency and Restoration

4 Macro Planning 2018 2018 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Today
Consultation report and preparation of docs 13/11/ /12/2018 Public consultation 01/10/ /11/2018 Users group WGSO Users group WGSO 26/06/2018 Documents to NRA/Other 18/09/2018 Users group WGSO 18/12/2018 20/04/2018 Data to RSC 2018 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Today SDP and RP concepts and fiches SGUs and high priority SGUs definition 20/12/2018 88 days First conceptual draft for: Terms & Conditions for Defense and Restoration service providers Rules for suspension and restoration of Market activities rules for suspension/imbalance settlement Incentive report to NRA 89 days 89 days 89 days Black start - CREG incentive study and AS redesign Conceptual principles for new design after 2020, based on topics 1 - 5 Black start - CREG incentive study and AS redesign 1. Results of Benchmark study of restoration services in other EU countries 10 days 46 days 47 days Questionnary will be send to producers Black start - CREG incentive study and AS redesign Conceptual principles for: 2. Number of blackstart units required for B grid and geographical repartition 3. Required technical means to deliver restoration service 4. Capabilities on island operation of existing technologies connected to Belgian grid 5. Readiness for Blackstart of intermittent sources 17 days 42 days 36 days NC Emergency and Restoration 89 days 61 days 61 days


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