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Multi Agency Inspection Briefings

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1 Multi Agency Inspection Briefings
Sample title page - one 27th & 28th March 2013 Meena Kishinani Divisional Director Strategic Commissioning and Safeguarding

2 Feedback From Pilot Inspections
Pilots took place in Warrington, Northampton, Camden, Newham and Hackney Unrelenting focus on practice and outcomes Very few focus groups Expectations to achieve good are very high

3 Cont…… If Inadequate on any area, Inadequate overall A lot of time spent with front line staff asking questions and observing practice Focus on leadership – how much do they know about quality of interventions Thinking about combining Looked After Children and Safeguarding into one Inspection

4 Cont….. They asked to see a list of referrals made by Probation, Health and the Police that did not result in Assessment Partnership Thresholds – how well are they understood Will attend ICPC’s In depth look at about 20 and then randomly look at possibly another 100

5 Cont….. Focus on Supervision and Management oversight Missing Children and Child Sexual Exploitation had a big focus Early Intervention and Child’s Journey Impact of Interventions


7 Issues from Safeguarding and Looked After Children Inspection in June 2012

8 Safeguarding Record Keeping Management Oversight Follow up of concerns raised Assessment of risk Children in Need responses Supervision Domestic Violence

9 Cont…… Views of Children and Young People are clearly documented Quality of Child Protection plans Attendance at CP conferences by DR’s Hospital follow up A&E etc Substance misuse screening Integrated approach to sexual health services

10 Cont…… Relationships with Adult Mental Health and Probation need to be strengthened Appropriate training and development Tier 2 interventions are timely and responsive Too many Police Protections

11 Looked After Children Corporate Parenting Update assessments of LAC regularly to reflect their changing needs Personal Education Plans CAMHS Support – Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategic Planning for looked after children Preparing children for a placement move

12 Cont….. Independent Visitors available as requested LAC Pledge Health to fill all designated posts for LAC and Safeguarding Quality Assurance and Audit are in place Health assessments, health plans and health reviews

13 Slide 1 Group Activity

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