League/LSC Conference Call

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Presentation on theme: "League/LSC Conference Call"— Presentation transcript:

1 League/LSC Conference Call
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1

2 Contents Top LSC’s Credit Union Agreement Status League Spot Light
What’s New AutoNation CU Difference/On-line media Updates Shop America CU Benefits Express Campaign Allied Van Lines DIRECTV Sprint Cadillac 2010 LSC Communication Schedule 2

3 Top LSC’s January – June 2010
Auto Sales Sprint Supporting Credit Unions Texas 11,237 Illinois 45 Florida/Alabama 4,731 Pennsylvania 36 3,230 California/Nevada 31 3,228 New Jersey 24 New York 2,982 Tennessee WOW!

4 Agreement Status Follow Up With Your Credit Unions!
Program (Thru 5/16/10) Big Ticket Sprint Member Rewards Sign-Up Level 1,868 N/A 1,855 Endorsement Level 407 854 340 Total Supporting CU’s 2,275 2,195 Check on the status of your credit unions with the League Reports at: Help make sure your Big Ticket endorsing credit unions are paid by reminding them to: Provide a copy of their Quarterly Newsletter articles Insure the new trademarked IIA web banner is prominently displayed on their CU home page Second Quarter Materials due by 7/31/2010 Materials can be sent via to It’s not too late for credit unions to send in agreements to qualify for 3rd and 4th quarter payouts. Agreements are due by 7/31 Agreements available at:

5 League Spotlight Regional Directors targeted Top 100 credit unions for Sprint meetings Sprint Credit Union mailings Sprint presented at all chapter meetings 3 sales representatives calling on credit unions over $10M in assets Credit unions are looking for income - Reps develop and review potential payout schedules for CU’s League uses all forms of marketing to promote IIA Just signed partner agreement with Member Rewards

6 What’s New AutoNation Direct Pre-Owned Vehicle Program
Credit union members will be walked through the entire purchase process Assist members to make educated purchase decisions Provide reasons to see their credit union first for exclusive financing Assist with unbiased, expert information Provide a positive Member experience Improve the car shopping process What makes AutoNation Direct different? Up front pricing with discounts ranging from 5% to 15% from publicly published prices Thousands of pre-owned vehicles in stock Certified pre-owned come with 3 day, 150 mile money back guarantee and 60-day, unlimited mile power train warranty Members receive high level of customized service throughout sales process Online, over the phone or at the dealership Shop without leaving home or office Delivery at credit union or dealership Delivery process takes less than an hour

7 What’s New AutoNation Pre-Owned Vehicle Program (Con’t.)
A pilot launch will be rolled out beginning September 1, 2010 in the California, Colorado and Florida Markets Once the pilot launch is complete, the AutoNation Direct credit union member discount program will be extended in phases to additional markets in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Washington then in Alabama Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia What should affected credit unions do to be ready for launch? Market the program and encourage members to come in and get prequalified Mine data and identify those eligible members who are in market and provide them with a preapproval including low rates Identify and market to members with existing home equity lines of credit

8 What’s New Media Campaigns Supporting Invest in America
CU Difference Campaign  Two television and two radio spots developed for Michigan promoting the credit union advantage over big banks and Wall Street titled “Own Your Money” and “Invest in America” Click on the following link to view all of these impactful spots If your League is interested in using any of these spots, please contact Maureen Lafrinere at or by phone at ext. 242. IIA online media campaign in development 3rd qtr 2010 timeframe Significant spending support to build on last year’s successful campaign Includes display and search advertising along with direct marketing

9 Updates Shop America On-line Mall Opened in June!
Over 7,000 members visited Shop America 1,700 members created an account Many popular stores added including: It’s as easy as: Click – The Shop America logo from Shop – Over 1,200 popular on-line merchants Save – With daily specials plus earn cash back Details at: Marketing Materials at: Dillards Online Shoes Stubhub Home Depot Overstock.com Target Nordstrom REI Walmart

10 Updates CU Benefits July and August Promotion
IIA is using a summertime theme to promote the medical and lifestyle benefits available through CU Benefits Express Campaign focused on dental and vision exams as well as recreational discounts Opted-in members will receive blasts IIA communications (Newsletters, Blogs, etc.) will focus on increasing awareness For details visit:

11 Updates Encourage Credit Unions to Market “Moving Days” Promotion
Spring and summer are the most popular times to move as members look to get settled in before the school year starts Credit unions are encouraged to utilize the template or other means to promote Allied Van Lines (marketing materials found at: Marketing Tip Moving is a time when members also evaluate their entertainment options. So why not promote both Allied Van Lines and DIRECTV together!

12 Updates DIRECTV Offers Free HD & Whole Home DVR Service!
Two ways for new subscribers to subscribe to DIRECTV through IIA Follow links and complete order on-line Provide contact information and have a DIRECTV representative call IIA discount layers on top of current public offers from DIRECTV Get Free HD for life!  (New subscribers only. Choice package and above. Requires auto bill pay and HD Access). Whole home DVR benefits: Record and watch shows from any HD receiver with a single HD DVR Record 2 shows while watching 2 others Manage your DVR playlist from any room Get 2 times more DVR space than cable Members save by eliminating the need for multiple DVR’s For complete details visit:

13 Updates Inventory Planet $25 Coupon
July – August 31, Sprint is offering an additional $25 coupon to Inventory Planet with the purchase of any handset and a two-year agreement. Inventory Planet offers the most up-to-date merchandise from mobile accessories, games, gaming accessories, Bluetooth headsets, special products and more Gear up for the 2010/2011 Contract Year The Sprint contract year runs from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011 The deadline to order October 2010 quarterly inserts is September 1, 2010 New credit unions must include a insert in their October mailing to be eligible to earn 100% of their marketing incentive Credit Union members have saved over $53 million Are your credit unions providing this discount to their members? Reach out to your credit unions supporting other IIA programs but not Sprint and make sure they are aware of this tremendous opportunity Act now so they can earn 100% of their marketing incentive next year 13 13

14 Updates Cadillac will no longer offer credit union member discounts through Invest in America As part of Cadillac’s overall brand strategy, they will no longer offer credit union member discounts as of June 30, 2010 This action does not single out Invest in America More importantly, General Motors is very supportive of Invest in America with remaining brands Chevrolet, Buick and GMC fully committed to maintain credit union member discounts Invest in America has updated the LoveMyCreditUnion.org website to reflect Cadillac’s departure from the program The marketing materials developed by Invest in America do not include any specific Cadillac reference so they will be fine for continued use We ask that you remove Cadillac from any marketing materials that your credit unions may have developed

15 Future League Communications
League Conference Calls will be held the 1st month of each quarter on Wednesday’s at 3pm EST* October 13 Access Information Phone: ID: Monthly updates via PowerPoint Presentation will be ed on: August 18 September 15 November 17 December 15 *Attendance required for Leagues Endorsing or Partnering with Big Ticket and Endorsing Member Rewards

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