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ALICE and the Little Bang
QCD phase transition (QGP hadrons) at tUniverse ~10 ms In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, large energy densities (> 2–3 GeV/fm3) are reached over large volumes (>> 100 fm3) Temperature Baryonic density U. Heinz Big Bang Little Bang high temperature high energy density low baryonic density quark-gluon plasma formation of nucleons formation of nuclei 208Pb 208Pb Rencontres de Physique, La Thuile, Andrea Dainese
ALICE apparatus and datasets
Two main parts: barrel (|h|<0.9), B = 0.5 Tesla forward muon spectrometer, -4<h<-2.5 Crucial for HF: vertexing, tracking hadron and lepton ID Datasets used for the results shown here: Pb-Pb collision centrality determination: Glauber model analysis of large-h V0 scintillator amplitudes MB trigger (Pixel, V0) system, √sNN (TeV) pp 7 pp 2.76 Pb-Pb 2.76 year 2010 2011 NMB M 65 M 17 M Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese 2
D mesons cross sections: pp 7 TeV, D0, D+, D*, |y|<0.5
JHEP 01 (2012) 128 FONLL: Cacciari et al., private comm. GM-VFNS: Kniehl et al., private comm. 1 < pt < 24 GeV/c, with 5 nb-1 (2010 statistics) pQCD predictions (FONLL and GM-VFNS) compatible with our data Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
More charm in pp 7 TeV: Ds and Lc
D ratios in agreement with other exp’s Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
The Total Charm Cross Section in pp
Extrapolation from pt = 2 GeV/c to 0 (about ×2) and full y using FONLL 7 TeV 2.76 TeV Consistent comparison with NLO over 3 orders of magnitude Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, Andrea Dainese
Heavy flavour decay leptons: pp 7 TeV, e in |y|<0. 8 & m in 2
Heavy flavour decay leptons: pp 7 TeV, e in |y|<0.8 & m in 2.5<y<4 Cocktail of “photonic” backgrounds based on measured p0 cross section Inclusive – Cocktail: electrons from c and b decays Agrees with measured-D decay electron spectrum at low pt arXiv: (acc. by PLB) Measured ds/dpt in 2-12 GeV/c FONLL indicates beauty dominance above 6 GeV/c Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
D pt distributions in Pb-Pb
Strong suppression observed in central collisions (0-20%) wrt scaled pp reference Significant suppression also in semiperipheral (40-80%) wrt scaled pp reference Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
D meson nuclear modification factor RAA in central Pb-Pb collisions
Suppression for charm is a factor 3-4 above 5 GeV/c Indicates strong energy loss of c quarks in the hot and dense QCD medium formed in these collisions Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
Background-subtracted Electron RAA
Inclusive electrons – background sources low pt: large systematic uncertainties (also from pp reference) above 3-4 GeV/c: dominated by charm and beauty decays Suppression in central collisions: factor 1.5-4 Peripheral collisions Central collisions Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
Muons at forward rapidity: central-to-peripheral nuclear modification factor
0-10%/40-80% suppression ~2.5 above 6 GeV/c According to FONLL, beauty dominant in this region Hot and dense QCD at LHC, Santiago, Andrea Dainese
J/ polarization results
ALICE Coll., arXiv: , accepted by PRL M.Butenschoen, A.Kniehl, arXiv: First result at the LHC: almost no polarization for the J/ First theoretical calculation (NLO NRQCD) compared to data: promising result, reasonable agreement with theory
Results on J/ yield vs multiplicity
ALICE Collaboration arXiv: pp multiplicity similar to Cu-Cu collisions at RHIC Linear increase with dNch/d Similar behaviour in two different rapidity ranges Stronger effect at y=0?
J/ in Pb-Pb: results and comparison with RHIC
ALICE Collaboration arXiv: ALICE, LHC, forward rapidity PHENIX, RHIC, mid-rapidity PHENIX, RHIC, forward rapidity rapidity: RAA(ALICE) > RAA (PHENIX) Smaller J/ suppression in spite of the factor 13 in s First indication for charm quark (re)combination in heavy-ion collisions
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