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Adaptations in Nature..

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations in Nature.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations in Nature.

2 Adaptation Adaptation - a special trait, characteristic, or behavior of an animal or plant that helps it survive or reproduce. Adaptation refers to all the structural, functional and behavioral characteristics that enhance the organism's reproductive success in its natural environment

3 Adaptation – a body part or behavior that helps an animal or plant survive or reproduce
Inherited/Physical –passed down from parents; some examples of inherited adaptations are bird beaks & feet, Birds having hollow bones, Gills of a fish and Plants with thorns or needles. Learned/Behavioral – comes from training or experience; some examples of learned adaptations are bears catching fish in a stream and otters using rocks to open clam shells.

4 Animal Adaptation All living things have to be suited to their environment if they are to survive. Fish have streamlined bodies, fins and specially shaped tails to help them move quickly and easily through the water. Squirrels have sharp, strong claws for gripping tree trunks and branches and strong teeth for eating nuts. Tails for balance.

5 How is the seal adapted to its environment?
Streamline body moves through water easily. Oils in their fur makes it water repellent. Thick layer of fat/ blubber insulates it from the cold.

6 Describe the structure of these feet.
Describe their function. How does the structure of each foot illustrate adaptation?

7 Describe the structure of these beaks.
Describe their function. How do the structures of each beak illustrate Adaptation?

8 Adaptations BBC - Wildlife Finder - Adaptations and behaviors

9 10 Scariest Deep Sea Creatures
10 Scariest Deep Sea Creatures Tool Use- Fooled by Nature - Crafty Capuchins – YouTube Learning Man Vs Chimp - memory test – YouTube Language- Prairie Dog Snake Alarm – YouTube Culture- Meerkat Mob Rule – YouTube Octopus- Most intelligent Mimic Octopus in the world (with sub) - YouTube

10 Altitude- Top Gun geese! Extreme animals - BBC wildlife – YouTube
Cold- Turtles survive being frozen – YouTube Animal anti-freeze - The chemistry of almost everything (3/31) – YouTube Dry- Survival In The Barren Forest - Madagascar, Land of Heat and Dust, Preview - BBC Two – YouTube

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