Review The Universe.

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Presentation on theme: "Review The Universe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review The Universe

2 astronomers as – tron’ – o – mers (n.)
Kid-friendly definition – an expert in the science of the universe Sentence stem – Galileo was one of the world’s first…

3 collapse col – lapse’ (v.) Kid-friendly definition – cave in
Sentence stem – Miners were trapped in the coal mine…

4 collide col – lide’ (v.) Kid-friendly definition - to strike violently together; crash Sentence stem – Icy roads caused…

5 compact com – pact’ (adj.)
Kid-friendly definition – dense; firmly packed together Sentence stem – Volkswagons are…

6 galaxy gal’ – ax – y (n.) Kid-friendly definition - a group or system of billions of stars Sentence stem – Our solar system is part of …

7 particles par’ – ti – cles (n.)
Kid-friendly definition – small pieces; extremely small units of matter Sentence stem – A strong wind blew …

8 More words to know astronaut democracy police astrodome literature

9 astronaut A person engaged in or trained for spaceflight Word Part
astro- or aster- star

10 democracy Government by the people Word Part -cracy rule, government

11 police An organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws Word Part poli- city

12 astrodome A transparent dome on top of the fuselage of an aircraft, through which observations are made for celestial navigation Word Part astro- or aster- star

13 literature Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit Word Part liter- letter

14 manicure A cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails Word Part
manu- or mani- hand

15 Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Details
To find the topic of a paragraph or selection, ask yourself, “What is this text about?” To find the main idea, ask yourself, “What is the most important idea about the topic?” Often it is in the first sentence of a key paragraph.

16 Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Details
The main idea is the most important, or central, idea about a topic. Supporting details are pieces of information that explain or support the main idea.

17 Written Response Look Back and Write
What is the relationship between a quasar and a black hole? Look back at page 192 to help you write an answer. Then write why that relationship may be of special interest to astronomers. Provide evidence to support your answer.

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