30th of November 2017 Antonia Lütteken

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1 Animal welfare: different approaches in EU Rural Development Programmes
30th of November 2017 Antonia Lütteken DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission

2 Union Strategic Priorities for Rural Development
1. Knowledge transfer and innovation 2. Economic viability and competitiveness SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT 6. Diversification and social inclusion 3. Food chain organisation and risk management 5. Resource efficiency and climate change 4. Restoring, preserving, and enhancing ecosystems 2 2 2

3 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020
Funding of the Common Agricultural Policy (in bill EURO – current prices) Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) Pillar: Market Measures and Direct Payments (EAGF) 312.74 77% of which Direct Payments 252.24 [62%] Pillar: Rural Development (EAFRD) 95.58 23% Total 408.32 100% (38 % of MFF) 3

4 Allocation of Budget by Priority
EAFRD (Reg. (EU) No 1305/2013) Allocation of Budget by Priority Knowledge Transfer and Innovation (cross cutting) Technical Assistance 3% Farm viability, competi-tiveness, sustainable forests Farm viability 20% Social inclusion, poverty reduction, local development Social inclusion 15% Food chain, animal welfare, risk management Food chain & risk manage- ment 10% Resource efficiency, low carbon and climate resilience Ressource efficiency and climate 8% Ecosystems in agriculture and forestry Ecosystems 44% 4 4

5 Broad Categories of Rural Development Measures
Investments Land management Knowledge Transfer Working together 5 5

6 Animal Welfare – one of 20 measures under EAFRD
Legal basis Art. 34 of Reg. (EU) No /2013 (Rural Development Regulation) Mostly programmed under Priority 3 "Food chain, animal welfare, risk management" Farmers are supported for the additional costs / income foregone for providing animal welfare that goes beyond legal requirements Targeted animals are bovines, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, equines and rabbits Max premia 500 €/ LU (Annex II of Reg. (EU) No 1305/2013

7 State of Play of implementation
Animal Welfare (M 14) is currently programmed in 34 RDPs (28 MS) 1.57 % of total public expenditure in Rural Development Also other rural development measures can be used to improve animal welfare e.g. investments in better stables or other animal facilities, training or advisory services. (Secondary effect)

8 State of play

9 Areas of upgraded standards of production methods (I)
Water, feed and animal care in accordance with the natural needs of animal husbandry; housing conditions, such as increased space allowances, flooring surfaces, enrichment materials, natural light;

10 Areas of upgraded standards of production methods (II)
outdoor access; practices which avoid mutilation and/or castration of animals, or, when necessary, provide for the use of anaesthetics, analgesia and anti-inflammatory medication or immunocastration.

11 Main challenges for Measure 14
Raise awareness among farmers and Member States of the importance of this measure and possible economic benefits Differences of baseline requirements Make a clear separation between baseline requirements and paid commitments Develop mechanisms that make control of compliance more efficient

12 Examples of payments: Space for a fattening pig of over 120 kg (mostly in package with other activities) RDP Baseline Commitment Payment (per LU) Baden-Württemberg 1.0 m² 1.6 m² (basic) 2.4 m² (premium) 75 € (basic) 117 € (premium) Calabria 1.6 m² 2.0 m² Part of a package Slovakia 1.1 m² 20 € Slovenia 33.83 €

13 Considerations for policy development (I)
Promote package approaches to maximise synergies between different Animal Welfare commitments.

14 Package approach in Sweden
Sweden combines actions on herd level, group level and individual level: For cows, there is a hoof care plan at herd level and individual hoof care for each animal For sheep: production plan and feed analysis at herd level, a feeding plan at group level and condition scoring and an extra shearing for each animal For sows: production plan and feed analysis at herd level and condition scoring for each animal

15 Considerations for policy development (II)
Integrate Advisory Services in the measure to improve compliance (include in eligibility conditions and / or link M 14 & M 02): Slovenia has implemented a system where it is an eligibility condition for payments to receive advice on how to implement the Animal Welfare measure

16 Considerations for policy development (III)
Integrate Animal Welfare in a Rural Development scheme where it is combined with other measures: In the UK, RD payments are administered through so-called Countryside Stewardship schemes which combine actions under several measures. This makes best use of synergies and reduces the administrative burden both for farmers and Managing Authorities.

17 Thank you very much for your attention. https://ec. europa

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