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Primary Newsletter – Friday 26th January 2018

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 26th January 2018
OUTSTANDING LEARNING Please see below a few examples of our outstanding learning this week. Solange in Year 4 has consistently persisted with her maths work this week, working independently and aspiring to do her best. Keziah in Year 5 wrote a lovely descriptive piece of writing. Here is a short section of her work: ‘Grendel is a gigantic monster, who is addicted to human blood. He loves to eat their warm flesh in the wonderful land of Heorot. He has three blood red, curved horns and five sharp, bladed claws on each of his mighty hands.’ Deneise in Year 1 did some brilliant work while exploring the human mouth, including the function of our teeth and tongue. All of class 2W this week have completed outstanding writing, and have therefore been awarded Class of the Week. KC in Year 6 wrote this excellent pieces of writing below: ‘With a pounding heart screaming in regret, the girl’s breath was shaking in pain as her paralysed body stood in a senseless state. The thickening sheet of darkness engulfed the cold moon-lit sky as the girl was unaware that she was being consumed by a devilish fear, a fear that pierced the souls of children. The feeling of temptation forced her forward as she followed the path to the castle.’ COMMUNITY LINKS Every Monday afternoon, years 2 – 6 take part in ‘Power Hour’, where they are involved in a variety of different enriching activities that they would not normally have the opportunity to experience within usual curriculum time. On Monday this week, a group of year 5 pupils made their first visit to our local care home, Leah Lodge. The children told the residents all about themselves, asked questions that they had already prepared and listened to fascinating stories. The children were particularly interested in stories of what life was like when they were young, and a story from one resident about the time they met Princess Diana! In the coming months, children will be working with the residents to plan a D-Day party, including learning wartime songs, making decorations and invitations and baking. We look forward to sharing with you how they get on. HEALTHY PACKED LUNCHES We are becoming increasingly concerned over the content of some children’s packed lunches. While it can sometimes be difficult to get our children to eat, filling a child’s lunchbox with sugary, unhealthy options is not the answer. Lunch is an important meal for children to provide energy and nutrients to keep them going throughout the afternoon. The key to a healthy packed lunch is variety and getting the right balance of foods to provide children with all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy. To gain more information on what should be included in a healthy packed lunch, please visit the Change 4 Life website.

2 Class: 2W Let Your Light Shine Class: 6E Class: 4W : STAR OF THE WEEK
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 2nd February Frog Class Assembly 1.45pm – 2.30pm Monday 12th – Friday 16th February Half term – school closed Monday 19th February Children back to school Friday 23rd February Bumblebee Class Assembly Thursday 1st March World Book Day Friday 9th March Class 5E Assembly Tuesday 13th March Parents Evening Reception – Yr 5 Wednesday 14th March Parents Evening Reception – Yr 5 Tuesday 20th March Parents Evening Yr. 6 Wednesday 21st March Friday 23nd March Class 3E Assembly Thursday 29th March Last day of term (Half Day) STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: Bumblebee Class Jokubas Frog Class Amoy Dragonfly Class Khloe 2E William 2W Jai-Jai 3E Emma 3W Rayyan 4E Ainhoa 4W Solange 5E Paapa 5W Eidanas 6E Naomi 6W Tia-Marie ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class: 6E Class: 4W GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school Year 1: Brandon and Sophia Year 2: Donzel and Jessie Year 3: Alpha and Rashika Year 4: Kelly and Eriane Year 5: Nadine and Olivia Year 6:Nomari and Betsaleel GOSPEL REFLECTION In this Sunday’s Gospel, we find Jesus preaching in the synagogue. While teaching, He demonstrates His authority by driving out a demon from a man in the crowd. This event reminds us that when we are tempted to do the wrong thing or begin feeling scared of sin or the evil one, we must remember the power of Christ. We must trust in the Lord and rely on Him for protection. Class of the Week. For excellent writing in lessons. Class: 2W Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive behaviour points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Frog Class Amoy Bumblebee Class Jokubas Dragonfly Class Abigail 2E Anissa 2W Aleksander 3E Zakariya 3W Javae 4E Evaluna 4W Elisa 5E Danny 5W Louise A 6E Jessica 6W KC Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley

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