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This important assembly will address something that has probably affected most of us at some point. Dealing with Bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "This important assembly will address something that has probably affected most of us at some point. Dealing with Bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 This important assembly will address something that has probably affected most of us at some point.
Dealing with Bullying

2 The Anti Bullying Alliance defines bullying as…
“…the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power” But what exactly is bullying?

3 Intentional Repeated Hurtful Imbalance of power Physically Emotionally
People have fallouts now again. Acts of unkindness are not pleasant but it’s not always bullying. These are the key words and phrases in the definition that indicate someone is a victim of bullying The perpetrator intends to hurt the feelings or physically hurt the victim and this happens again and again. The imbalance of power means that the perpetrator is pretty sure that the victim won’t retaliate- maybe because they have a group of friends behind them and the victim is alone, or the perpetrator is older or bigger, or just because they think the victim is not the type of person who would fight back.

4 Is it bullying? Calling you names Spreading lies about you Teasing you
Hitting or kicking you and causing you physical pain Pushing or pulling you about Taking your money or possessions Leaving you out or excluding you Threatening or intimidating you Texting you horrible messages Filming you on their mobile phones and spreading it about Sending you horrible s or messages on Facebook and other social networking websites. What do you think? Read each bullet point and ask for a show of hands (or whatever is appropriate). Tell the pupils- they are all acts of bullying. If any of these things is happening to you repeatedly, by the same person or group, it is bullying.

5 Cyber bullying is a real, current problem
Cyber bullying is a real, current problem. It is when someone uses technology, like their mobile phone or the internet, to deliberately upset someone. Social networking, texting and other ways of messaging people provide more opportunities for people to bully than ever before. It can happen at any time of day, is immediate and can involve more people. The bully can be keep their identity secret and can feel ‘distanced’ from the bullying- they may think it’s just a laugh and not perceive it as bullying. If you forward something hurtful to another person, comment on it to join in with the so called ‘joke’, or even just ‘like’ something you are contributing to the hurt that person feels, so think very carefully about how it would make you feel before you do this.

6 Cyberbullying- what should you do?
Save messages or take screenshots of abuse Report it to an adult or online Don’t respond, and if possible block the person. Talk through each step Reporting online- using the CEOP button (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) button.

7 I want to die angry inside alone hurt scared anxious
In their own words… I am a burden I have no friends Intimidated hurt There’s something wrong with me angry inside I hate myself terrified No confidence No self-esteem scared Bullying affects mental health in a negative way. Brave young people have spoken out about bullying they have experienced and these are their actual words, describing how it affected them. Take a minute to read these quotes. (SILENCE). Reading these words might have different effects on us for different reasons- maybe because we can relate, maybe because we are worried about a friend, maybe because we think we might have made someone feel this way. We all have the power to do something about it and make sure young people don’t feel this way because of the actions of others. Why am I alive? anxious depressed weak I want to die alone

8 What can I do?? Tell someone Youth worker Friend Teacher Carer
School nurse Parent Counsellor Don’t ignore bullying. It won’t go away. And if you see bullying or know that someone is being bullied report this, or speak to the person being bullied. Bullying ruins lives. If you are bullied, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. Let’s work to stop this- together. Learning mentor And if you don’t feel like anyone’s listening… tell them again… tell someone else… keep telling until someone listens and takes action.

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