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Designing Your Training Module

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1 Designing Your Training Module

2 Objectives Understand what makes effective training.
Review the process of developing a training unit. Teams will brainstorm ideas for their training unit.

3 Define Your Topic Specify exactly what your topic is about.
Make is something that fits time available. For example: Interpersonal Influence Interpersonal Influence at work. Influencing your boss. Strategies for influencing your boss.

4 Set Specific Leaning Objectives
After the training participants will: Know…….. Understand……. Recognize……. Be able to………. After the training participants will know three strategies for influencing their boss. After the training participants will be able to choose the appropriate influence strategy for a particular situation.

5 Modules need three types of learning
Knowledge: provide new information, models or ideas. Comprehension: make associations between participants behavior and the new knowledge. See how it applies. Practice: Give participants a chance to use the new knowledge or skills.

6 Training Methods No more that 15 minutes of lecture.
Have experiential learning and discussion that builds comprehension. Provide and opportunity for practice and feedback. Make practice as close to reality as possible.

7 Plan Materials and Logistics
What materials will you need: A/V Equipment, handouts, cases, instruments, videos, tear sheets, markers, name plates. How will you arrange the room? How much time for each activity? How will you make groups? How will you monitor groups?

8 Evaluate Did they like it? Did they learn it? Can they use it?
Use both scales and comments to get specific feedback for improvement.

9 For More Resources

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