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Types of Marriage in the U.S.

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1 Types of Marriage in the U.S.

2 TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE Husband works, wife stays at home & never works (“breadwinner” vs. “homemaker”) Patriarchal – husband is head of household Wife is in charge of household duties and raising children Leisure time is spent apart – he golfs while she is in a book club Valued pre-Women’s Rights Movement

3 TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE Leave it to Beaver – 1950s & 1960s
Boy Meets World – 1990s

4 MODERN MARRIAGE Husband works, wife also works to help out
Wife will quit job to raise family and may go back when kids are old enough Or may choose to never have kids Value leisure time together Value each other’s companionship

5 MODERN MARRIAGE Everybody Loves Raymond – 1990s Modern Family – 2010s

6 EGALITARIAN MARRIAGE Equal power and authority between husband and wife Household duties are determined by interest and ability (not gender roles) Spouses are well-educated Delay childrearing until stable financially Children also share in decision-making Leisure time – the partner is irreplaceable

7 EGALITARIAN MARRIAGE Growing Pains – 1980s-1990s Cosby Show – 1980s

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