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Advanced Java Programming

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1 Advanced Java Programming
Session #, Speaker Name Advanced Java Programming CSS446 Spring 2014 Nan Wang 08/24/11

2 Chapter Goals To learn about inheritance
To implement subclasses that inherit and override superclass methods

3 Inheritance Hierarchies
Inheritance is a relationship between a more general class (called the super­class) and a more specialized class (called the subclass).

4 Inheritance Hierarchies
The subclass inherits data and behavior from the superclass. You can always use a subclass object in place of a superclass object. E.g. void processVehicle(Vehicle v) Because Car is a subclass of Vehicle, you can call that method with a Car object: Car myCar = new Car(. . .); processVehicle(myCar);

5 Example

6 Implementing Subclasses
Subclass inherits all methods that it does not override.

7 choiceQuestion.setAnswer("2");
question.addChoice("Canada", true); setAnswer(choiceString);

8 Implementing Subclasses
Override: Subclass can override a superclass method by providing a new implementation. An overriding method can extend or replace the  functionality of the superclass method. Display the question text. Display the answer choices.

9 Override display() in subclass
Display the question text. Display the answer choices. Use the reserved word super to call a superclass method

10 Constructor with Superclass Initializer


12 Override vs. Overload

13 Program Assignment 2

14 Program Assignment 2 Due Date: 1/30/2014 Submit to
P1: 100 points Bonus: P2: 20 points and P3 30 points

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