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Welcome to ap psych Fall 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ap psych Fall 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ap psych Fall 2016

2 Welcome! Grab an AP Psych Book as you come in!
Sign up for the book you take, then find your seat! Take out a piece of paper Then, answer the following questions: What is your favorite classic ice cream flavor? What is your favorite car color? Do you prefer Apple or Android? Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi? What is your favorite season of the year? Answers to personality questions in first day folder.

3 What do your responses say about you?
Ice cream Car Cell phone Soda Seasons (pseudopsychology, anyone?)

4 Pseudo Psychology vs Psychology
Unscientific Horoscopes Phrenology Astrology Palm readings Applied Science Study of behavior and mental processes Phrenology-shape and size of cranium

5 Please pass up your notecard!
Pause! Please pass up your notecard!

6 This semester... We will focus on the PSYCHOLOGY!
Shoulder Squeeze Experiment

7 Have you Ever Wondered? OR
How can we study psychology? (Research Methods) How does our brain communicate with the rest of our body? (Biology) OR

8 Have you Ever Wondered? OR
How we experience what we do? (Sensation and Perception) Why peekaboo was so fascinating as a kid? (Development) OR

9 Have you Ever Wondered? OR
Why do I eat so much even when I am not hungry? (Motivation) Why your heart pounds when you see someone attractive? (Emotion) OR

10 Have you Ever Wondered? OR Why are Phone numbers 7 digits? (Learning)
How does birth order affect who I am? (Personality) OR

11 Why can’t you be friends with everyone?
Have you Ever Wondered? Why can’t you be friends with everyone? (Social )

12 A look at the day-to-day
Textbook Give-away Classroom procedures--Bathroom, BYOD, Tour of the room Syllabus--Google Classroom and Remind Honor Code Note Card Shoe Box Handout Unit 1 Sheet In the folder: note card, Full Syllabus, Student/Parent info sheet, Syllabus Cheat Sheet (Color Paper), Honor Code, notecard shoebox handout, unit 1 sheet, birth order essay

13 What makes us who we are? Let’s discuss!
Environment? Genes? Or Debate all psychologists have. Twin Studies

14 Homework Time! Take a look at your reading schedule
Reading and note-cards Birth Order theory essay Nature vs you agree with this theory?

15 Tomorrow! You will need to hand in the following items:
Parent/Student Info Sheet Signed Honor Code Birth Order Theory Assignment Join Google classroom In your binder, which you will have tomorrow, you will need to put the Cheat Sheet,Shoebox Vocabulary, and the Unit 1 sheet behind the unit 1 tab.

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