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The Nature of Light Light is described in wavelengths

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Presentation on theme: "The Nature of Light Light is described in wavelengths"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nature of Light Light is described in wavelengths
Longest to shortest wavelengths remembered by ROY G. BIV The length of the light wave determines the light’s color, or hue. The height of the light wave, or the amplitude, determines brightness

2 Wavelengths that make colors & sounds

3 Parts of the Eye

4 The Structure of the Visual System
Cornea- the clear, curved bulge on the front of the eye that bends light rays to begin focusing them. Iris- a ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye & regulates the size of the pupil Pupil- The adjustable black opening in the center of the iris. Controls the amount of light entering the eye It appears black b/c no light is emitted FROM the eye… it is like staring into a dark cave.

5 Label the cornea, the iris, & the pupil

6 The Eye- It’s like a Camera!
Lens- a transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to focus images on the image Happens when people squint to look at something Think of it as a zoom on the camera! Retina- the surface at the back of the eyeball. It is sensitive to light Think of it as the film in a camera

7 YouTube - Lasik Eye Surgery in 6 Minutes

8 The Eye Continued: Optic nerve- this carries all the information to your occipital lobe in the back of your brain! This is where all the “eye” functions come together & send it off to your brain Receptor cells- have the ability to change light energy into nerve impulses that the brain can interpret Gets the info to the brain! Cones & Rods

9 Two Types of Receptor Cells
Rods- these are like black & white film; they only can detect black, white, & shades of gray. What you use in dark situations Cones- like color film; they detect sharp details & colors, but color becomes apparent if there is a lot of light. What you use more of when there is light.

10 Parts of the Eye

11 Problems seeing? This is what your eyes look like!

12 Blind Spot Test Draw 2 circles the size of a dime approximately four inches apart on a piece of paper. Hold your drawing at arm’s length Cover your left eye and stare at the circle on the left with your right eye. Then, move the drawings slowly toward your face until the circle on the right seems to vanish. That is your blind spot! Repeat with other eye.

13 Color Vision Trichromatic (three color theory) Opponent process theory
The 3 colors are red, blue, & green These 3 colors combine wavelengths to see the other colors Like a TV- displays those 3 colors, but comes out with a display of colored television Opponent process theory You have “colored” neurons in your brain. When you focus on one color, those neurons get tired and it switches to another color. Only certain colors oppose each other. (Example: Red & Green)

14 Opponent Process Theory

15 Color Blindness Unable to distinguish color due to an absence of, or malfunction in the cones. Partial color blindness is fairly common—particularly red-green color blindness More common in males


17 Click here to find the correct answer
Try to find a circle, star, and/or square on the Demonstration Card                                                                                       Click here to find the correct answer


19 Today’s Objectives Explain how structures and receptor cells in the eye work together to detect light waves & change them into neural impulses. Describe how trichromatic theory & opponent- process theory explain color vision Bell Ringer What is your favorite color? Why do you like this color? How does this color make you feel?

20 Color Activities On the next few slides…. Tell me how looking and thinking about each color makes you feel/ or what you think of









29 What does this have to do with Psychology?
Color can have a HUGE impact on your behavior & mental processes. It evokes certain feelings & emotions from people, and is heavily used in the advertising world because they know how much it effects people’s buying decisions.

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