Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med, Zawiya 7th April Uni., Libya

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1 Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med, Zawiya 7th April Uni., Libya
Measles الحصبة Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med, Zawiya 7th April Uni., Libya

2 Measles Is an acute disease characterized by fever and rash
First described by Dr Abu Becr and called Hasbah الحصبة Measles is a disease seen throughout the world Measles is a serious and common disease of children Incidence of Measles in Libya is very low due to almost complete coverage with Measles vaccine The mortality due to Measles occurs mostly in children who are malnourished

3 Agent factors Agent - Measles virus
Source of infection – mouth, nose and throat secretions Period of infectivity – 4 days before and 5 days after the appearance of rash

4 Host factors Age – most cases occur between 6 months to 5 years
Measles attack gives lifelong immunity Measles mortality is 400 times more in malnourished children

5 Environmental factors
More common in winter months

6 Measles Mode of transmission Incubation period Disease divided into
Droplet infection Incubation period 10 days Disease divided into Pre-eruptive stage Eruptive stage

7 Clinical features Pre-eruptive stage 3-4 days
Fever, cough, running nose and redness of eyes Koplik’s spots – bluish-white spot on buccal mucosal membrane

8 Clinical features Eruptive stage Typically appears on the 4th day
Red colored maculo-papular rash Starts from the face and covers the whole body in 2-4 days By the 5th or 6th day the rash begins to disappear

9 Child with Measles rash

10 Complications Bronchitis Bronchopneumonia Otitis media Encephalitis
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (after some years)

11 Prevention Patients should be isolated(عزل)
Measles vaccine – live attenuated In Libya Measles is given combined(متكتل) with Mumps and Rubella (MMR=Mumps, Measles and Rubella) Two doses are given First dose at 12 months Second dose at 18 months

12 Measles vaccine Measles vaccine is not given early(من قبل) because the infants(الرضيع) have maternal antibodies they got through the placenta(المشيمة), which will make the vaccine ineffective(غير مجد). WHO is trying to eliminate Measles


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