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09-26-11 Tabatta circuits: each exercise is done for one, 4:00 minute set (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8) Try to do as many reps as possible in the.

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Presentation on theme: "09-26-11 Tabatta circuits: each exercise is done for one, 4:00 minute set (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8) Try to do as many reps as possible in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 09-26-11 Tabatta circuits: each exercise is done for one, 4:00 minute set (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8) Try to do as many reps as possible in the 20 second work period. This workout consists of four exercises with 2:00 minutes rest between sets for a total workout time of 22 minutes, not including warm-up and cool down. 1.Burpees (substitue squat thrusts based on ability) rest 2:00 2. V-ups (substitute Rowers based on ability) rest 2:00 3. Mountain climbers (substitute one leg plank holds based on ability) rest 2:00 4. High knee run in place (substitute jumping jacks based on ability

2 Power (max explosive output on each rep): Superset: 1a. Plyometric push-ups (hands leave ground): 5 sets of 3 (5x3) for each exercise 1b. Squat jumps: 5x3 rest 2 minutes 2a. Burpees: 3x10 2b. Chin-ups: 3x max reps 09-19-11

3 In celebration of my 30th birthday: For time: 30 pull-ups 30 Squat jumps 30 1-leg push-ups 30 V-ups 30 Lunges (15 per leg) 30 close-hand push-ups 30 Sit-ups 30 Squat thrusts 30 Push-ups with side-plank "T" twists 30 pull-ups 09-06-11

4 For time: Run 1-mile 50 push-ups, 50 air squats Run 1-mile 50 rowers, 50 lunges (25 per leg) 08-29-11

5 This is a great one for traveling when your hotel has no gym or when you are crunched for time. 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Jacks 9 Burpees 15 Jumping Jacks 8 Burpees 20 Jumping Jacks 7 Burpees 25 Jumping Jacks you get the pattern...repeat until you hit 1 burpee and 55 Jumping Jacks perform as fast as possible with as little rest as possible! 08-21-11

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